Nivel de Burnout en docentes de la Escuela Básica N°3 Campos de Maipú
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Estudio no experimental, orientado a determinar el nivel de burnout en docentes
de la Escuela Básica N°3 Campos de Maipú, ubicado en la comuna de Cerrillos.
La población está constituida por N= 62 funcionarios, pertenecientes a la escuela,
de naturaleza particular subvencionado con financiamiento compartido. Imparte
los niveles de Educación General Básica de primero a octavo en jornada de
mañana y tarde.
La muestra está conformada por n=30, hombres n=6, mujeres n=24, docentes que
ejercen labores de trabajo en aula en dicho establecimiento. Todos los docentes
desarrollan sus labores en horas lectivas y no lectivas, con una jornada laboral de
al menos 20 horas pedagógicas, y un mínimo de 1 año de experiencia dentro de
la profesión.
La información fue procesada mediante estadísticos descriptivos, el cual midió el
índice burnout y sus tres variables, que son: realización personal,
despersonalización, y agotamiento emocional, que poseen los docentes de esta
institución educativa. Lo anterior permitió determinar cuántos docentes pueden
tener este síndrome y en qué nivel se encuentran.
Los resultados demostraron que el 30% de los docentes encuestados están
presentando un nivel de estrés alto y muy alto, mientras que el 70% de ellos se
encuentran entre el rango moderado y bajo.
This is a non experimental study focused on determining the level of burnout among teachers of the elementary school Escuela Básica N°3 Campos de Maipú, located in the comuna of Cerrillos. The population is constituted by N=62 employees, belonging to the school, which is a private school subsidised by the state. The school provides education for first to eighth grade and the school day is divided in 2, morning and afternoon. The sample is formed by n=30, n=6 men, n=24 women, teachers who work in the classroom of said school. All teachers perform their work with class hours and non class hours; and have a work shift of at least 15 hours a week and with a minimum of one year of experience as a teacher. The information was processed through descriptive statistics, measuring the burnout present among the teachers of the educational institution in its three variables: personal realization, depersonalization and emotional exhaustion. Allowing to determine how many teachers may present this syndrome and in what level. The results showed that 30% of the surveyed teachers present a level of stress either high or very high while 70% of them are in the range of moderate and low.
This is a non experimental study focused on determining the level of burnout among teachers of the elementary school Escuela Básica N°3 Campos de Maipú, located in the comuna of Cerrillos. The population is constituted by N=62 employees, belonging to the school, which is a private school subsidised by the state. The school provides education for first to eighth grade and the school day is divided in 2, morning and afternoon. The sample is formed by n=30, n=6 men, n=24 women, teachers who work in the classroom of said school. All teachers perform their work with class hours and non class hours; and have a work shift of at least 15 hours a week and with a minimum of one year of experience as a teacher. The information was processed through descriptive statistics, measuring the burnout present among the teachers of the educational institution in its three variables: personal realization, depersonalization and emotional exhaustion. Allowing to determine how many teachers may present this syndrome and in what level. The results showed that 30% of the surveyed teachers present a level of stress either high or very high while 70% of them are in the range of moderate and low.
Seminario (Profesor de Educación General Básica, Licenciado en Educación)
Palabras clave
Agotamiento Profesional, Estrés Laboral, Investigaciones, Chile, Cerrillos