Danza tradicional pericona y desarrollo de la percepciĆ³n subjetiva de tiempo y percepciĆ³n subjetiva de espacio
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Universidad AndrƩs Bello
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ĀæMejora el desarrollo de la relaciĆ³n tĆ©mporo- espacial, a travĆ©s de la aplicaciĆ³n de un programa de aprendizaje de danza tradicional Pericona, en niƱos y niƱas de NB3?
El estudio tiene como objetivo conocer el desarrollo de la capacidad perceptivo motriz, percepciĆ³n subjetiva de espacio (PSE) y percepciĆ³n subjetiva de tiempo(PST), mediante la aplicaciĆ³n de un programa de danza tradicional Pericona. Para esto se utilizaron como instrumento de mediciĆ³n el Test de PercepciĆ³n Subjetiva de Tiempo (TPST) y el Test de PercepciĆ³n Subjetiva de Espacio (TPSE).
Se describe un detallado informe sobre el desarrollo evolutivo de niƱos y niƱas de 5to AƱo BĆ”sico, las capacidades perceptivo motriz PSE y PST, los planes y programas de NB3 presentados por el MINEDUC, las actividades expresivo motrices, las danzas folclĆ³ricas en la EducaciĆ³n FĆsica, ademĆ”s de la danza tradicional Pericona.
El universo estuvo constituido de 34 alumnos de 5to AƱo BĆ”sico del Colegio Umbral de Curauma, el cual se dividiĆ³ en niƱos y niƱas, para seleccionar 16 alumnos (8 niƱos y 8 niƱas). La muestra fue aleatoria simple y cada una ellas una unidad de anĆ”lisis.
De acuerdo a los datos arrojados en los resultados, se concluye que se acepta la hipĆ³tesis que indica que mejoran las capacidades PST y PSE, en alumnos y alumnas que participan en un programa de aprendizaje de danza Pericona, en comparaciĆ³n a alumnos y alumnas que no participan.
Palabras claves: Capacidad Perceptivo Motriz, PercepciĆ³n Subjetiva de Tiempo, PercepciĆ³n Subjetiva de Espacio, Danzas FolclĆ³ricas, Danza Tradicional Pericona, Actividades Expresivo Motrices.
Does it improve the development of temporal-spatial relationships, through the implementation of a program of traditional dance Pericona learning in children from NB3? The study aims to determine the development of perceptual motor ability, subjective perception of space (PSE) and subjective perception of time (PST), by implementing a program of traditional dance Pericona. For this measurement instrument used as the test of Perceived Time (TPST) and the Subjective Perception Test Area (TPSE). We describe a detailed report on the evolutionary development of boys and girls in 5th Grade, perceptual motor skills PSE and PST, plans and programs presented by the MOE NB3, driving expressive activities, folk dances in Physical Education, besides the traditional dance Pericona. The sample consisted of 34 students from the College 5th Year Basic Curauma threshold, which was divided into boys and girls, to select 16 students (8 boys and 8 girls). The random sample was simple and each including a unit of analysis. According to the data given in the results, it is concluded that one accepts the hypothesis that enhance the capabilities and PSE PST on students participating in an apprenticeship program Pericona dance, compared to students who do not involved. Key words: Capacity Perceptive Motive Subjective Perception of Time, Subjective Perception of Space, Dances FolclĆ³ricas, Traditional Dance Expressive Pericona, Motive Activities.
Does it improve the development of temporal-spatial relationships, through the implementation of a program of traditional dance Pericona learning in children from NB3? The study aims to determine the development of perceptual motor ability, subjective perception of space (PSE) and subjective perception of time (PST), by implementing a program of traditional dance Pericona. For this measurement instrument used as the test of Perceived Time (TPST) and the Subjective Perception Test Area (TPSE). We describe a detailed report on the evolutionary development of boys and girls in 5th Grade, perceptual motor skills PSE and PST, plans and programs presented by the MOE NB3, driving expressive activities, folk dances in Physical Education, besides the traditional dance Pericona. The sample consisted of 34 students from the College 5th Year Basic Curauma threshold, which was divided into boys and girls, to select 16 students (8 boys and 8 girls). The random sample was simple and each including a unit of analysis. According to the data given in the results, it is concluded that one accepts the hypothesis that enhance the capabilities and PSE PST on students participating in an apprenticeship program Pericona dance, compared to students who do not involved. Key words: Capacity Perceptive Motive Subjective Perception of Time, Subjective Perception of Space, Dances FolclĆ³ricas, Traditional Dance Expressive Pericona, Motive Activities.
Tesis (Profesor de EducaciĆ³n FĆsica para la EnseƱanza General BĆ”sica, Licenciado en EducaciĆ³n)
Palabras clave
PercepciĆ³n del Tiempo en NiƱos, Programas de EducaciĆ³n FĆsica, Capacidad FĆsica y Motriz, Chile, PercepciĆ³n Espacial en NiƱos