Sobre el lenguaje de la revuelta popular de 2019: posibilidades de un nuevo –y aún necesario– discurso
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El presente artículo analiza el contenido y los alcances del lenguaje de la revuelta popular de octubre de 2019 en Chile, es decir, de aquellos enunciados que se emitieron y circularon durante este período, utilizando como base teórica algunas ideasde Stuart Hall y Doreen Massey, referidas a la relación entre lenguaje y neoliberalismo, y también algunas investigaciones previas sobre los enunciados del estallido social. Se concluye que el lenguaje de la revuelta propició nuevas subjetividades y nuevas formas de relaciones colectivas, que en gran medida podrían considerarse contrarias al lenguaje y las prácticas neoliberales, así como se reveló la necesidad de dar cabida a diversas expresiones y demandas, reconociendo sus diferencias y conflictividades.
The objective of this work is to analyze the content and scope of the language of the popular revolt of October 2019 in Chile, that is, of those statements that were issued and circulated during this period. For this, some ideas from Stuart Hall and Doreen Massey regarding the relationship between language and neoliberalism were used as a theoretical basis, as well as previous research on the statements of the social outbreak. As conclusions, it is proposed that the language of the revolt fostered new subjectivities and new forms of collective relationships, which to a large extent could be considered contrary to neoliberal language and practices, as well as revealed the need to accommodate diverse expressions and demands, recognizing their differences and conflicts.
The objective of this work is to analyze the content and scope of the language of the popular revolt of October 2019 in Chile, that is, of those statements that were issued and circulated during this period. For this, some ideas from Stuart Hall and Doreen Massey regarding the relationship between language and neoliberalism were used as a theoretical basis, as well as previous research on the statements of the social outbreak. As conclusions, it is proposed that the language of the revolt fostered new subjectivities and new forms of collective relationships, which to a large extent could be considered contrary to neoliberal language and practices, as well as revealed the need to accommodate diverse expressions and demands, recognizing their differences and conflicts.
Indexación: Revista UNAB.
Palabras clave
Revuelta popular, Chile, Lenguaje, Neoliberalismo, Subjetividad, Popular Revolt, Chile, Language, Neoliberalism, Subjectivity
Revista de Humanidades Nº51 (enero-junio) : 375-400