Adaptación del protocolo de pirámides y palmeras para la evaluación de las competecias semánticas en adultos chilenos
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En la actualidad existe una amplia gama de métodos y
pruebas para la evaluación semántica que nos permiten determinar dichas
competencias, como por ejemplo test BETA, test de vocabulario de Boston, EDALSE
y "Test de Pirámides y Palmeras" (Howard y Patterson, 1992). Ninguna de estas
pruebas se centra netamente en la evaluación de la semántica para la población
chilena, por lo que se hace necesario la adaptación de un protocolo de evaluación
que permita obtener resultados fidedignos específicos para la población mencionada,
considerando sus variables tanto culturales como educativas. El presente proyecto
pretende adaptar el Test De Pirámides y Palmeras para poder aplicarlo a la
población Chilena y así obtener resultados claros que nos permitan pesquisar
diferentes deficiencias semánticas en esta. Se aplicará el test original a 70 personas
de entre 20 y 70 años de edad, se analizarán los estímulos según diferentes
variables para proponer posibles cambios, los cuales serán analizados y validados
por 5 expertos. Una vez finalizada la adaptación, del ya mencionado test, se
pretende entregar una herramienta que permita pesquisar las competencias
semánticas de la población chilena con el fin de entregar resultados fiables y ser un
aporte para la clínica fonoaudiológica chilena.
While there is a wide range of methods and tests far semantic evaluation that allow us to that allow us to know the semantic skills, such as BETA test, Boston vocabulary test, EDALSE and the "Test of Pyramids and Palm Trees" (Howard and Patterson, 1992). Nowadays none of these tests clearly focuses on the evaluation of semantics far the Chilean population, so irs necessary to adapt an assessment method that allows to get specific and reliable results for the already mentioned population considering both its cultural and educational variables. The present project aims to adapt the Test of Pyramids and Palm Trees to be able to be applied to the Chilean population and to get clear results that allow us to detect different semantic deficiencias in this ene. The original test will be applied to 70 people between 20 and 70 years of age, the stimulus will be analyzed according to different variables to propase possible changes, which will be analyzed and validated by 5 experts. Once the adaptation of the already mentioned test is completed, ifs intended to provide a tool that allows to detect the semantic skills of the Chilean population in arder to deliver reliable results and to be a contribution far the Chilean Speech Therapy Pathology Clinic.
While there is a wide range of methods and tests far semantic evaluation that allow us to that allow us to know the semantic skills, such as BETA test, Boston vocabulary test, EDALSE and the "Test of Pyramids and Palm Trees" (Howard and Patterson, 1992). Nowadays none of these tests clearly focuses on the evaluation of semantics far the Chilean population, so irs necessary to adapt an assessment method that allows to get specific and reliable results for the already mentioned population considering both its cultural and educational variables. The present project aims to adapt the Test of Pyramids and Palm Trees to be able to be applied to the Chilean population and to get clear results that allow us to detect different semantic deficiencias in this ene. The original test will be applied to 70 people between 20 and 70 years of age, the stimulus will be analyzed according to different variables to propase possible changes, which will be analyzed and validated by 5 experts. Once the adaptation of the already mentioned test is completed, ifs intended to provide a tool that allows to detect the semantic skills of the Chilean population in arder to deliver reliable results and to be a contribution far the Chilean Speech Therapy Pathology Clinic.
Tesis (Fonoaudiología)
Palabras clave
Lenguaje Evaluación, Test de Pirámides y Palmeras, Competencias Semánticas, Edad Adulta, Chile