PercepciĆ³n del adulto mayor con respecto a los talleres del subcomponente adulto mayor en movimiento, de IND en la zona poniente de Santiago
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Universidad AndrƩs Bello
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Licencia CC
Licencia CC
Actualmente el deporte y la actividad fĆsica representan una multiplicidad
de beneficios para quienes practican estos hƔbitos de vida saludable, permitiendo
una mejor calidad de vida. En el adulto mayor estos aspectos positivos aportan
al continuo desarrollo integral de las personas de la tercera edad, tanto en el Ɣrea
social, fĆsica, cognitiva y emocional. De esta manera, esta investigaciĆ³n se centra
en este grupo etario, especĆficamente en los adultos mayores activos
El presente documento tiene como finalidad Conocer la percepciĆ³n de los
adultos mayores con respecto al Subcomponente Adulto Mayor en Movimiento
en algunas comunas de Santiago. El universo estĆ” formado por 182 personas
entre hombres y mujeres participantes de estos talleres durante este aƱo, cuya
muestra fue de 80 individuos y el diseƱo corresponde a uno no experimental
transaccional, el estudio posee un enfoque mixto con una predominancia
cuantitativa. AdemĆ”s, se llevĆ³ a cabo un cuestionario validado por tres expertos
del Ɣrea, el cual estƔ compuesto por diversas partes: historial del encuestado,
acerca del taller de actividad fĆsica e importancia y actividades del taller
mencionado. Estas preguntas son de tipo cerradas y algunas de carƔcter
abiertas, con el fin de conocer mĆ”s profundamente la opiniĆ³n de este grupo. Se
abarcan a su vez distintas dimensiones; social, fĆsica, cognitiva y emocional.
Nowadays sport and physical activity represent a multiplicity of benefits for those who practice these habits of healthy life, allowing a better quality of life. These positive aspects contribute to the continuous development in the social, physical, cognitive and emotional areas of older adults. This research focuses on this age group, specifically physically active ones. The purpose of this document is to know the perception of older adults regarding to the Subcomponente Adulto Mayor En Movimiento of some communes of Santiago. The universe is formed by 182 people among men and women who participated in these workshops during this year, whose sample was 80 individuals and the design corresponded to a no experimental transectional, the study was focused more on the quantitative area and the approach is mixed. In addition, a questionnaire validated by three experts in the area was carried out, which was made up of several parts: the respondent's history, physical activity and the importance of the workshop activities. These questions are closed-ended and some are open-ended, in order to know more deeply the opinion of this group. Different dimensions such as social, physical, cognitive and emotional were covered.
Nowadays sport and physical activity represent a multiplicity of benefits for those who practice these habits of healthy life, allowing a better quality of life. These positive aspects contribute to the continuous development in the social, physical, cognitive and emotional areas of older adults. This research focuses on this age group, specifically physically active ones. The purpose of this document is to know the perception of older adults regarding to the Subcomponente Adulto Mayor En Movimiento of some communes of Santiago. The universe is formed by 182 people among men and women who participated in these workshops during this year, whose sample was 80 individuals and the design corresponded to a no experimental transectional, the study was focused more on the quantitative area and the approach is mixed. In addition, a questionnaire validated by three experts in the area was carried out, which was made up of several parts: the respondent's history, physical activity and the importance of the workshop activities. These questions are closed-ended and some are open-ended, in order to know more deeply the opinion of this group. Different dimensions such as social, physical, cognitive and emotional were covered.
Tesis (MagĆster en GestiĆ³n de la Actividad FĆsica y Deportiva)
Palabras clave
Adulto Mayor, Investigaciones, Ejercicio FĆsico, Chile, Santiago