Desarrollo de un asistente de voz para adultos mayores
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Licencia CC
Licencia CC
El objetivo principal de este trabajo fue el desarrollo de un asistente de voz diseñado especialmente para adultos mayores, esto con el fin de ofrecerles la experiencia de interactuar de una forma natural como es el uso de la voz con la tecnología, además de entregarles un momento de entretención y compañía, dado que tanto la población de adultos mayores en Chile, como el porcentaje de soledad ha ido en aumento y de acuerdo a la documentación recopilada, el uso de la tecnología por voz puede ayudar a reducir el sentimiento de soledad en las personas. La idea fue crear un prototipo de asistente de voz de coste reducido, a través del lenguaje Python se pudo diseñar el asistente de voz como una aplicación para computador y gracias a las diversas librerías existentes se implementaron 20 comandos para que el usuario tenga mayores posibilidades de interactuar. Una vez desarrollado el prototipo se dio paso a la realización de pruebas, en primer lugar, se realizaron 40 consultas a cada uno de los comandos obteniendo como resultado que el porcentaje promedio de respuesta fue del 92%, posteriormente se realizaron las pruebas con el usuario final, para ello participaron 6 adultos mayores y repitieron cada comando 3 veces, obteniendo como resultado que el porcentaje de respuestas fue menor que en el caso anterior ya que solo se alcanzó el 86%, finalmente, para conocer la percepción del usuario. Por otra parte, se realizó un análisis de costos y posibles ventas de la solución, con el objetivo de observar si era posible vender este producto a bajo costo y aun así obtener un proyecto rentable.
The main objective of this project was the development of a voice assistant designed especially for older adults, this to offer them the experience of interacting naturally as is the use of voice with technology, in addition to giving them a moment of entertainment and company, this given that both the population of older adults in Chile, as the percentage of loneliness has been increasing and according to the documentation collected, the use of technology by voice can help reduce the feeling of loneliness in people.The idea was to create a prototype of a reduced cost voice assistant, through the Python language it was possible to design the voice assistant as a computer application and using the various existing libraries 20 commands were implemented so that the user has more possibilities to interact.Once the prototype was developed, tests were performed, first, 40 queries were made to each of the commands, obtaining as a result that the average percentage of response was 92%, then tests were performed with the end-user, for this six older adults participated and repeated each command three times, obtaining as a result that the percentage of responses was lower than in the previous case since only 86% was reached, finally, to know the user's perception, two questions were asked to obtain feedback on their interaction with the voice assistant.On the other hand, an analysis of costs and possible sales of the solution was carried out to see if it was possible to sell this product at a low cost and still obtain a profitable project.
The main objective of this project was the development of a voice assistant designed especially for older adults, this to offer them the experience of interacting naturally as is the use of voice with technology, in addition to giving them a moment of entertainment and company, this given that both the population of older adults in Chile, as the percentage of loneliness has been increasing and according to the documentation collected, the use of technology by voice can help reduce the feeling of loneliness in people.The idea was to create a prototype of a reduced cost voice assistant, through the Python language it was possible to design the voice assistant as a computer application and using the various existing libraries 20 commands were implemented so that the user has more possibilities to interact.Once the prototype was developed, tests were performed, first, 40 queries were made to each of the commands, obtaining as a result that the average percentage of response was 92%, then tests were performed with the end-user, for this six older adults participated and repeated each command three times, obtaining as a result that the percentage of responses was lower than in the previous case since only 86% was reached, finally, to know the user's perception, two questions were asked to obtain feedback on their interaction with the voice assistant.On the other hand, an analysis of costs and possible sales of the solution was carried out to see if it was possible to sell this product at a low cost and still obtain a profitable project.
Proyecto de Título (Ingeniero Civil Informático)
Palabras clave
Prototipos (Ingeniería), Tecnología y Ancianos