Proyecto de implementación y uso de una biblioteca áulica en dos Jardines infantiles de la comuna de Lo Barnechea y Las Condes
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Licencia CC
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Toda biblioteca áulica es un espacio donde los niños podrán experimentar a través de los textos literarios, la cual permite que el usuario pueda explorar y descubrir nuevos conocimientos. Por consecuencia se logrará que el niño o niña logre la autoformación.
Los niños al escoger libremente sus libros favoritos podrán soñar con un mundo nuevo, distinto y mágico. Además tendrán la capacidad de reconocer la complejidad del mundo en donde están insertos y por consecuencia tendrán acceso a nuevas experiencias. Es por esto, que una biblioteca en el aula favorecería sin lugar a dudas a la educación de los niños.
Por todos los beneficios que significa la implementación de una biblioteca en aula se ha tomado la decisión de llevar a cabo este proyecto en dos centros educacionales, estos son el Jardín Infantil Los Enanitos I y Montessori Rayhue con el propósito de evaluar el impacto que provocaría en los alumnos, con la intención de mejorar el uso de los componentes de la producción lingüística y el fomento del hábito lector.
All courtly library is a space where children can experiment, explore and acquire new knowledge through literary texts, which consequently will ensure the child self-education. When children freely choose their favorite books they dream of a new, different and magical world. They will also have the ability to recognize the complexity of the world in which they are embedded and therefore have access to new experiences. It is for this reason that a library in classrooms undoubtedly favor the education of children. For all of these benefits,already named, it has been decided to carry out this project in two educational centers, these are the Kindergarten and Montessori Los Enanitos I Rayhue , all of this with the purpose of evaluating the impact that this proyect would have on students , concerning the improvement of each of the components of language production and promoting the habit of reading .
All courtly library is a space where children can experiment, explore and acquire new knowledge through literary texts, which consequently will ensure the child self-education. When children freely choose their favorite books they dream of a new, different and magical world. They will also have the ability to recognize the complexity of the world in which they are embedded and therefore have access to new experiences. It is for this reason that a library in classrooms undoubtedly favor the education of children. For all of these benefits,already named, it has been decided to carry out this project in two educational centers, these are the Kindergarten and Montessori Los Enanitos I Rayhue , all of this with the purpose of evaluating the impact that this proyect would have on students , concerning the improvement of each of the components of language production and promoting the habit of reading .
Tesis (Educadora de Párvulos)
Palabras clave
Bibliotecas y Educación, Colecciones infantiles, Textos literarios, Autoformación, Chile, Hábito lector