Desarrollo de videojuego con fines educativos, relacionado a elementos del pensamiento computacional
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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El pensamiento computacional es fundamental en la solución de problemas complejos,
tanto para seres humanos como para máquinas. El pensamiento computacional
descompone problema, identifica patrones, diseña algoritmos y utiliza la abstracción
para resolver problemas. Una forma novedosa de enseñar y analizar el pensamiento
computacional es a través de videojuegos. Además, el entendimiento del concepto es
parte de lo que se puede considerar como alfabetización digital de las personas. Se
plantea una hipótesis sobre la relación entre los métodos de resolución de puzles y el
desarrollo del pensamiento computacional. El objetivo General del proyecto es
desarrollar un videojuego que este enfocado en evaluar el pensamiento computacional
del jugador a través de mecánicas diseñadas. Se plantea una hipótesis sobre la relación
entre los métodos de resolución de puzles y el desarrollo del pensamiento
computacional. Se utilizan métricas de desempeño tales como el tiempo, numero de
movimientos, los tipos de movimientos, entro otras, para así evaluar las habilidades del
pensamiento computacional del jugador en los niveles que se enfrenta. Finalmente, a
través de una recolección de datos y su análisis respectivos, se llega a la conclusión de
que la resolución de los puzles en los videojuegos, muestran una habilidad individual del
jugador para desarrollar estrategias efectivas, como la generación de patrones y una
descomposición de los problemas a los que se encuentra. Respaldando así la hipótesis,
cumpliendo los objetivos y generando la importancia de considerar la relación entre los
juegos, el pensamiento computacional y el estilo individual de cada jugador al evaluar el
rendimiento y las habilidades de ellos en entornos virtuales.
Computational thinking is essential in solving complex problems, both for humans and machines. Computational thinking decomposes problems, identifies patterns, designs algorithms, and uses abstraction to solve problems. A novel way to teach and analyze computational thinking is through video games. Furthermore, understanding the concept is part of what can be considered people's digital literacy. A hypothesis is proposed about the relationship between puzzle solving methods and the development of computational thinking. The General objective of the project is to develop a video game that is focused on evaluating the player's computational thinking through designed mechanics. A hypothesis is proposed about the relationship between puzzle solving methods and the development of computational thinking. Performance metrics such as time, number of moves, types of moves, among others, are used to evaluate the player's computational thinking skills at the levels they face. Finally, through data collection and respective analysis, it is concluded that the resolution of puzzles in video games shows an individual ability of the player to develop effective strategies, such as the generation of patterns and a decomposition of the problems it faces. Thus, supporting the hypothesis, meeting the objectives, and generating the importance of considering the relationship between games, computational thinking and the individual style of each player when evaluating their performance and skills in virtual environments.
Computational thinking is essential in solving complex problems, both for humans and machines. Computational thinking decomposes problems, identifies patterns, designs algorithms, and uses abstraction to solve problems. A novel way to teach and analyze computational thinking is through video games. Furthermore, understanding the concept is part of what can be considered people's digital literacy. A hypothesis is proposed about the relationship between puzzle solving methods and the development of computational thinking. The General objective of the project is to develop a video game that is focused on evaluating the player's computational thinking through designed mechanics. A hypothesis is proposed about the relationship between puzzle solving methods and the development of computational thinking. Performance metrics such as time, number of moves, types of moves, among others, are used to evaluate the player's computational thinking skills at the levels they face. Finally, through data collection and respective analysis, it is concluded that the resolution of puzzles in video games shows an individual ability of the player to develop effective strategies, such as the generation of patterns and a decomposition of the problems it faces. Thus, supporting the hypothesis, meeting the objectives, and generating the importance of considering the relationship between games, computational thinking and the individual style of each player when evaluating their performance and skills in virtual environments.
Proyecto de título (Ingeniero Civil Informático)
Palabras clave
Videojuegos, Juegos Educativos, Pensamiento Computacional