EvaluaciĆ³n del uso de techos verdes en la ciudad de Caracas - Venezuela.
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Universidad AndrƩs Bello
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Licencia CC
Licencia CC
RESUMEN: El problema energƩtico y el deterioro ambiental a nivel mundial ha llevado al
ser humano a desarrollar la arquitectura y la construcciĆ³n mediante estrategias
aplicadas a la mejora de proyectos que permitan aprovechar los recursos
naturales sin perjudicar el ecosistema que los rodea. De esta manera pueden
ofrecen mejoras al medioambiente a lo largo de su vida Ćŗtil o funcionamiento.
La soluciĆ³n constructiva de aplicar cubiertas verdes en las viviendas ofrece
varios beneficios que aportan a resolver problemas ambientales los cuales
afectan directamente al planeta, y son causados principalmente por la falta de
vegetaciĆ³n en las Ć”reas urbanas y por el continuo crecimiento acelerado de la
En Venezuela, paĆs al cual se pretende desarrollar este tema, se han realizado
varias investigaciones para adaptar los principios internacionales de
construcciĆ³n sustentable al caso local, sin embargo, no se ha podido verificar el
alcance positivo para el paĆs, y hasta dĆ³nde son capaces los venezolanos de
aplicar un tipo de construcciĆ³n amigable con el medioambiente.
Entre las alternativas constructivas que ayudan a preservar y mejorar el
medioambiente, se elige la implementaciĆ³n de los techos verdes en viviendas
de la ciudad de Caracas ā Venezuela como objeto de estudio para el desarrollo
de este trabajo de grado.
Palabras claves: techos verdes, construcciones auto sostenibles, medio
ambiente, isla de calor, ahorro de energĆa, ecosistemas.
ABSTRACT: The energy problem and environmental degradation worldwide has led humans to develop the architecture and construction through strategies and the improvement of projects to exploit natural resources without harming the ecosystem that surrounds. This way they can offer improvements to the environment throughout its life or performance. The constructive solution to implement green roofs in homes offers several benefits they provide to solve environmental problems which directly affect the planet, and are mainly caused by the lack of vegetation in urban areas and the continued rapid population growth. In Venezuela, a country which aims to develop this theme, several investigations have been made to adapt international principles of sustainable construction to the local case, however, has not been able to verify the positive range for the country, and how far are capable Venezuelans to apply a kind of environmentally friendly construction. Among the constructive alternatives that help preserve and improve the environment, the implementation of green roofs on homes in the city of Caracas - Venezuela as an object of study for the development of this work is chosen. Keywords: green roofs, sustainable construction, environment, heat island, energy conservation, ecosystems.
ABSTRACT: The energy problem and environmental degradation worldwide has led humans to develop the architecture and construction through strategies and the improvement of projects to exploit natural resources without harming the ecosystem that surrounds. This way they can offer improvements to the environment throughout its life or performance. The constructive solution to implement green roofs in homes offers several benefits they provide to solve environmental problems which directly affect the planet, and are mainly caused by the lack of vegetation in urban areas and the continued rapid population growth. In Venezuela, a country which aims to develop this theme, several investigations have been made to adapt international principles of sustainable construction to the local case, however, has not been able to verify the positive range for the country, and how far are capable Venezuelans to apply a kind of environmentally friendly construction. Among the constructive alternatives that help preserve and improve the environment, the implementation of green roofs on homes in the city of Caracas - Venezuela as an object of study for the development of this work is chosen. Keywords: green roofs, sustainable construction, environment, heat island, energy conservation, ecosystems.
Tesis (Ingeniero Constructor)
Palabras clave
ConstrucciĆ³n Sustentable., ConstrucciĆ³n -- Aspectos Ambientales -- Venezuela., Isla de Calor.