Aspectos considerados por fonoaudiólogos de la Región Metropolitana para evaluar la sensibilidad oral en pacientes pediátricos entre 2 y 7 años de edad
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Introducción: La información proveniente del mundo es captada por receptores
sensoriales del sistema nervioso central que interrelacionan los estímulos captados.
Es así como un adecuado desarrollo motor y sensorial conducen a un buen
funcionamiento del organismo (Ayres, 1991), que permite percibir, integrar y reaccionar
adecuadamente al ambiente (Sánchez, s.f.). Un proceso vital, influenciado
directamente por la sensorialidad, es la alimentación, ya que no se relaciona
únicamente con la ingesta de alimento, sino que también con experimentación de
sensibilidad al tacto, a la temperatura, al dolor y al gusto (Souto y González, 2003: 17).
Debido a esto, resulta necesario considerar su evaluación durante la exploración
clínica de la deglución, para así determinar la presencia de alguna alteración en el
proceso deglutorio (González & Araya, 2000: 3).
Objetivo: Identificar los aspectos que consideran los fonoaudiólogos en la evaluación
de la sensibilidad oral.
Metodología: Se envió vía online un cuestionario autoaplicado, compuesto por 12
preguntas cerradas de check list. Posteriormente, 15 fonoaudiólogos especialistas en
deglución pediátrica de la Región Metropolitana contestaron dicho instrumento.
Resultados: Los resultados obtenidos arrojaron que más del 70% de los encuestados
consideran evaluación de estructuras anatómicas, control motor oral, reflejos orales,
sensibilidad oral y función laríngea. En relación a sensibilidad oral, principalmente
consideran tacto, gusto y temperatura, sin embargo, esta evaluación no es realizada a
cabalidad, de acuerdo a la literatura referida en este estudio.
Conclusión: Los sujetos poseen dominio para evaluar la sensibilidad oral, sin
embargo, no existe homogeneidad de los aspectos que se consideran en esta
evaluación, por consiguiente, se toma necesario fomentar el conocimiento y manejo
adecuado de este tema, en busca de un lenguaje común para consensuar
procedimientos y criterios que permitan una mayor estandarización al respecto.
lntroduction: lnformation from the world is captured by sensory receptors of the central nervous system that interrelate the stimull capturad. Thus, adequate motor and sensory davelopment lead toa good functioning ofthe organism (Ayres, 1991), which allows to parceiva, integrate and react adequately to the environment (Sánchez, s.f.). A vital process, directly influenced by sensoriality is feeding, becausa it is not only relatad to food lntake, but also to experimentation with sensitivity to touch, temperatura, pain and taste (Souto and González, 2003 17). Oue to this, it is necessary to consider its evaluation during the clinical examination of swallowing, in arder to determine the presence of sorne alteration in the swallowing process (González & Araya, 2000: 3). Objective: To identify the aspects considerad by speech therapists in the evaluation of oral sensitivity. Methodology: A self-administered questionnaire composed of 12 closed check list questions was sent online. Subsequently, 15 spaech pathologists specialized in pediatric swallowing in the Metropolitan Region answered the instrumant. Results: The results obtained showed that more than 70% of the respondents consider evaluation of anatomical structures, oral motor control, oral reflexes, oral sensitivity and laryngeal function. In relation to oral sensitivity, mainly consider tact, taste and temperatura, however, this evaluation is not carried out In full, according to the literatura referred in this study. Conclusion: Subjects have mastery to avaluate oral sensitivity, howevar, there is no homoganeity of aspacts considerad in this assessmant, therefore, it is necessary to promote knowtedge and proper managamant of this tapie, in search of a common language to agree procedures and criteria that allow a greater standardization in this respect.
lntroduction: lnformation from the world is captured by sensory receptors of the central nervous system that interrelate the stimull capturad. Thus, adequate motor and sensory davelopment lead toa good functioning ofthe organism (Ayres, 1991), which allows to parceiva, integrate and react adequately to the environment (Sánchez, s.f.). A vital process, directly influenced by sensoriality is feeding, becausa it is not only relatad to food lntake, but also to experimentation with sensitivity to touch, temperatura, pain and taste (Souto and González, 2003 17). Oue to this, it is necessary to consider its evaluation during the clinical examination of swallowing, in arder to determine the presence of sorne alteration in the swallowing process (González & Araya, 2000: 3). Objective: To identify the aspects considerad by speech therapists in the evaluation of oral sensitivity. Methodology: A self-administered questionnaire composed of 12 closed check list questions was sent online. Subsequently, 15 spaech pathologists specialized in pediatric swallowing in the Metropolitan Region answered the instrumant. Results: The results obtained showed that more than 70% of the respondents consider evaluation of anatomical structures, oral motor control, oral reflexes, oral sensitivity and laryngeal function. In relation to oral sensitivity, mainly consider tact, taste and temperatura, however, this evaluation is not carried out In full, according to the literatura referred in this study. Conclusion: Subjects have mastery to avaluate oral sensitivity, howevar, there is no homoganeity of aspacts considerad in this assessmant, therefore, it is necessary to promote knowtedge and proper managamant of this tapie, in search of a common language to agree procedures and criteria that allow a greater standardization in this respect.
Tesis (Fonoaudiología)
Palabras clave
Niños, Saludo Oral, Chile, Región Metropolitana