Consideraciones pedagógicas para el diseño de un plan que contribuya a la formación de la sexualidad adolescente de secundaria
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Esta investigación tiene como propósito entregar una serie de consideraciones
pedagógicas que aporten de forma desarrolladora a la creación de planes que
contribuyan a la formación de la sexualidad adolescente de educación secundaria de
nuestro país, al ser la sexualidad un componente o aspecto de la personalidad que en
la medida que es formada de manera responsable, sana, coherente y armónica,
entrega oportunidades para que los estudiantes puedan transformar su realidad y
tomar decisiones responsables de vida.
Para ello, se realizó un estudio conceptual sobre la sexualidad y su expresión en
las diversas etapas de desarrollo del ser humano, dando énfasis al periodo de la
adolescencia, por ser una etapa de cambios transcendentales que experimenta el ser
humano en su paso a la adultez y que requiere un acompañamiento por parte de su
entorno, en especial, de docentes, equipos directivos y comunidad educativa en
general. También se revisaron las diversas acciones realizadas por Estados
Latinoamericanos sobre el tema, en especial, en Chile, con resultados bastante
deficientes y que ha dado soluciones que no abordan la complejidad de la formación
de la sexualidad de los estudiantes del país.
This investigation has as its purpose is to provide a series of pedagogical considerations that contribute in a developing way to the creation of plans that contribute to the formation of adolescent sexuality in secondary education in our country, since sexuality is a component or aspect of the personality that, in as much as it is formed in a responsible, healthy, coherent and harmonious way, provides opportunities for students to transform their reality and make responsible life decisions. For this, a conceptual study on sexuality and its expression in the different stages of development of the human being was carried out, emphasizing the period of adolescence, as it is a stage of transcendental changes experienced by the human being in his passage to adulthood and that requires accompaniment from their environment, especially teachers, management teams and the educational community in general. The various actions carried out by Latin American States on the subject were also reviewed, especially in Chile, with rather poor results and solutions that do not address the complexity of the sexuality formation of the country's students.
This investigation has as its purpose is to provide a series of pedagogical considerations that contribute in a developing way to the creation of plans that contribute to the formation of adolescent sexuality in secondary education in our country, since sexuality is a component or aspect of the personality that, in as much as it is formed in a responsible, healthy, coherent and harmonious way, provides opportunities for students to transform their reality and make responsible life decisions. For this, a conceptual study on sexuality and its expression in the different stages of development of the human being was carried out, emphasizing the period of adolescence, as it is a stage of transcendental changes experienced by the human being in his passage to adulthood and that requires accompaniment from their environment, especially teachers, management teams and the educational community in general. The various actions carried out by Latin American States on the subject were also reviewed, especially in Chile, with rather poor results and solutions that do not address the complexity of the sexuality formation of the country's students.
Informe de Investigación (Magíster en Gestión Pedagógica y Curricular)
Palabras clave
Mejoramiento de la Educación, Educación Sexual, Enseñanza Media