Alteraciones en las propiedades de las resinas compuestas en el tiempo : Scoping Review
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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En odontología se utiliza la resina compuesta como material restaurador de alta estética y durabilidad. Sin
embargo, existe incertidumbre acerca del comportamiento del material a largo plazo, por lo tanto es necesario entender cómo
cambian las propiedades con el tiempo y si es posible la prolongación de su vida útil.
Objetivo: Analizar en la literatura los cambios en las propiedades de las resinas compuestas con el transcurso del tiempo.
Materiales y métodos: Se realizó una revisión exploratoria de los cambios que se producen en las resinas compuestas a
largo plazo, utilizando la base de datos Scielo, Scopus, Web of Science y Medline a través de Pubmed, con palabras claves
como “composite resins”, “mechanical properties”, “color”, y “aging”.
Se incluyeron estudios experimentales y observacionales prospectivos, en idioma español e inglés, in vitro e in vivo, estudios
máximo de 10 años de publicación, se excluyeron cartas al editor y resúmenes de congresos.
Resultados: Se identificaron 51 estudios; 23 fueron evaluados para elegibilidad y se analizaron las propiedades que
cambiaron con el tiempo, utilizando envejecimiento artificial acelerado por medio de termociclado y agua destilada de resinas
compuestas de distinta composición.
Conclusión: Las propiedades evaluadas cambiaron con el tiempo, en menor o mayor grado, independiente de la composición
de las resinas compuestas, a excepción de la resistencia a la compresión que no se vio afectada. Los factores que influyen
en estos cambios son el porcentaje, composición y tamaño de relleno, la matriz orgánica, interfase matriz/relleno y el tipo de
In dentistry composite resin is used as restorative material of high aesthetics and durability. However, there is uncertainty about the behavior of the material in the long term, therefore it is necessary to understand how properties change over time and whether it is possible to extend their useful life. Objective: To analyze in the literature the changes in the properties that occur in composite resins over time. Materials and methods: An exploratory review of changes in long-term composite resins was conducted, using the Scielo, Scopus, Web of Science and Medline database through Pubmed, with keywords such as "composite resins", "mechanical properties", "color", and "aging". It included prospective experimental and observational studies, in Spanish and English, in vitro and in vivo, studies up to 10 years of publication, letters to the editor and summaries of congresses were excluded. Results: 51 studies were identified; 23 were evaluated for eligibility and the properties that changed over time were analyzed, using accelerated artificial aging by means of thermocycling and distilled water from composite resins of different composition. Conclusion: The properties evaluated changed over time, to a lesser or greater degree, independent of the composition of composite resins, except for the compressure resistance that was not affected. Factors influencing these changes are percentage, composition, and fill size, organic matrix, matrix/fill interface, and monomer type.
In dentistry composite resin is used as restorative material of high aesthetics and durability. However, there is uncertainty about the behavior of the material in the long term, therefore it is necessary to understand how properties change over time and whether it is possible to extend their useful life. Objective: To analyze in the literature the changes in the properties that occur in composite resins over time. Materials and methods: An exploratory review of changes in long-term composite resins was conducted, using the Scielo, Scopus, Web of Science and Medline database through Pubmed, with keywords such as "composite resins", "mechanical properties", "color", and "aging". It included prospective experimental and observational studies, in Spanish and English, in vitro and in vivo, studies up to 10 years of publication, letters to the editor and summaries of congresses were excluded. Results: 51 studies were identified; 23 were evaluated for eligibility and the properties that changed over time were analyzed, using accelerated artificial aging by means of thermocycling and distilled water from composite resins of different composition. Conclusion: The properties evaluated changed over time, to a lesser or greater degree, independent of the composition of composite resins, except for the compressure resistance that was not affected. Factors influencing these changes are percentage, composition, and fill size, organic matrix, matrix/fill interface, and monomer type.
Trabajo de titulación (Cirujano Dentista, Licenciado en Odontología)
Palabras clave
Restauración Dental, Resinas compuestas, Envejecimiento, Materiales Dentales, Propiedades mecánicas, color, Chile