Nanoprismas de oro funcionalizados con espaciadores y recubiertos con albúmina para incrementar la estabilidad de las nanopartículas
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Licencia CC
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Las estrategias de síntesis actuales permiten obtener nanomateriales de oro
funcionalizados con distintos tipos de moléculas que permiten hacer diagnóstico
y/o terapias en diferentes tipos de dianas biológicas. Estas nanopartículas
comprenden dimensiones entre 1 a 100 nm y pueden adoptar diferentes formas,
como por ejemplo; esféricas, barras, prismas, entre otros. Los nanoprismas de
oro (AuNPRs), son nanopartículas anisotrópicas, cuyo comportamiento y
propiedades dependen de su tamaño, forma y propiedades del medio
circundante. Los AuNPRs presentan su máximo plasmón superficial (LSPR), en
el rango de longitudes de onda visibles e infrarrojo cercano (NIR). Las
excitaciones electrónicas de los AuNPRs pueden ser estudiadas mediante
espectroscopia UV-Vis. Los AuNPRs presentan alta eficiencia de conversión de
luz en calor, por lo cual, han sido usados como agentes fotoactivos para variadas
aplicaciones biomédicas. Para mejorar la estabilidad y direccionalidad de las
nanopartículas hacia las células tumorales, estos son recubiertos con albumina
sérica bovina (BSA) para favorecer la estabilidad e internalización selectiva en
células tumorales.
En esta unidad de investigación se realizará la síntesis de nanoprismas de oro
(AuNPRs) estudiando su plasmón superficial, estabilidad coloidal, radio
hidrodinámico y morfología respectivamente. Los AuNPRs serán funcionalizados
con PEG y carboxifluoresceína la cual se encuentra unida a los espaciadores
derivados del ácido 11-maleimidaundecanoico (E1) y ácido 6-
maleimidahexanoico (E2). Finalmente, los AuNPRs serán recubiertos con
albumina sérica bovina (BSA), la cual podría ayudar a elevar la estabilidad de
éstas nanopartículas.
The current synthesis strategies allow to obtain gold nanomaterials functionalized with different types of molecules that allow to develop applications for diagnosis and/or therapies for different types of biological targets. These nanoparticles comprise dimensions ranging from 1 to 100 nm with different shapes, for example: spherical, bars, prisms, among others. The gold nanoprisms (AuNPRs), are anisotropic nanoparticles, whose behavior and properties depend on their size, shape and properties of the surrounding environment. The AuNPRs present their maximum superficial plasmon (LSPR), in the range of visible and near infrared (NIR) wavelengths, experimentally, the electronic excitation of the AuNPRs can be studied using UV-Vis spectroscopy. The AuNPRs have high efficiency of lightto-heat conversion, so they have been used as photoactive agents in a variety of biomedical applications. To improve the stability and directionality of nanoparticles to tumor cells, these are coated with bovine serum albumin (BSA) to promote stability and selective internalization into the tumor cells. In this research unit it will be carried out the synthesis of gold nanoprisms (AuNPRs), evaluating its superficial plasmon, colloidal stability, hydrodynamic radio and morphology, respectively. The AuNPRs will be join to PEG and carboxyfluorescein which is united to linkers derived from 11-maleimido undecanoic acid (E1) and 6-maleimido hexanoic acid (E2). Finally, the AuNPRs will be coated with serum albumin (BSA), which could to elevate the stability of these nanoparticles.
The current synthesis strategies allow to obtain gold nanomaterials functionalized with different types of molecules that allow to develop applications for diagnosis and/or therapies for different types of biological targets. These nanoparticles comprise dimensions ranging from 1 to 100 nm with different shapes, for example: spherical, bars, prisms, among others. The gold nanoprisms (AuNPRs), are anisotropic nanoparticles, whose behavior and properties depend on their size, shape and properties of the surrounding environment. The AuNPRs present their maximum superficial plasmon (LSPR), in the range of visible and near infrared (NIR) wavelengths, experimentally, the electronic excitation of the AuNPRs can be studied using UV-Vis spectroscopy. The AuNPRs have high efficiency of lightto-heat conversion, so they have been used as photoactive agents in a variety of biomedical applications. To improve the stability and directionality of nanoparticles to tumor cells, these are coated with bovine serum albumin (BSA) to promote stability and selective internalization into the tumor cells. In this research unit it will be carried out the synthesis of gold nanoprisms (AuNPRs), evaluating its superficial plasmon, colloidal stability, hydrodynamic radio and morphology, respectively. The AuNPRs will be join to PEG and carboxyfluorescein which is united to linkers derived from 11-maleimido undecanoic acid (E1) and 6-maleimido hexanoic acid (E2). Finally, the AuNPRs will be coated with serum albumin (BSA), which could to elevate the stability of these nanoparticles.
Tesis (Licenciado en Química)
Palabras clave
Nanopartículas, Oro, Estabilidad