Descripción de los parámetros fonético-acústicos y autopercepción vocal en estudiantes de teatro de la Región Metropolitana de Chile
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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La actuación es una de las profesiones más antiguas que existen, la que con el transcurso de los años se ha ido profesionalizando cada vez más debido al aumento en el número personas interesadas en ésta área, lo que ha llevado a que cada año egrese un número importante de estos profesionales. Esto ha generado un aumento de la exigencia vocal puesta en cada uno de los actores para lograr mantenerse vigentes en el ámbito laboral. Desde el punto de vista de la sanidad vocal, esta sobreexigencia puede traer consecuencias negativas a nivel vocal, por lo que resulta necesario contar con una buena base en cuanto al funcionamiento y cuidado de la voz.
El presente estudio tuvo como propósito describir la relación existente entre el estado de los parámetros fonético-acústicos (frecuencia fundamental, Jitter, Shimmer, NHR y SPI), medidos a través del software Multi-Dimensional Voice Program (MDVP) y la autopercepción vocal, medida a través del Cuestionario de Autopercepción Vocal en Actores (CAVA) en estudiantes de actuación de la Región Metropolitana de Chile. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 55 sujetos, de los cuales 35 eran mujeres y 20 hombres, que se desempeñaban al año 2014 como estudiantes de actuación de los dos últimos años de carrera. Para la investigación fueron seleccionados dos Institutos Profesionales pertenecientes a la Región Metropolitana de Chile.
En cuanto a los resultados, según el análisis objetivo a través del software MDVP, se observó que de la muestra el 47,3% presentó alteración ya sea en uno o más de los cinco parámetros acústicos evaluados, siendo SPI y Jitter los que mostraron mayor alteración. Respecto a la autopercepción vocal se evidenció que el 81,81% de la muestra obtuvo una autopercepción positiva, demostrando que un gran porcentaje de esta cree tener una buena calidad vocal al momento de actuar. La comparación entre los parámetros fonético - acústicos evaluados con el software MDVP y el Cuestionario de Autopercepción Vocal en Actores (CAVA), demostró no ser significativa, lo que indica que no existe correlación entre la evaluación subjetiva y objetiva aplicadas.
Acting is one of the oldest professions in the world, with the course of the years it has been increasingly professionalized, increasing the amount of people interested in this area, which has led to a greater number of these professionals each year. This has led to increased vocal demands placed on each of the actors in order to stay current in the workplace. From the point of view of vocal health, this overuse can bring negative consequences to the phonatory system, making it necessary to have a good basis for the functioning and voice care. This study aimed to describe the relationship between the phonetic-acoustic parameters (Fundamental Frequency, Jitter, Shimmer, NHR and SPI), measured through the Multi-Dimensional Voice Program (MDVP) software and vocal self-perception as measured by Vocal Self-Perception Questionnaire in Actors (CAVA) applied to acting students in the Metropolitan Region of Chile. The sample consisted of 55 subjects, of whom 35 were women and 20 were men, all of them acting students in 2014 that were in their last two years of study. For this research two professional institutes belonging to the Metropolitan Region of Chile were selected. As for the results, according to objective analysis through software MDVP was observed that the sample 47.3% had altered either in one or more of the five acoustic parameters evaluated, being SPI and Jitter the ones with greater impairment. Concerning voice self-perception was shown that 81.81% of the sample had a positive self-perception, showing that a large percentage of this think they have a good voice quality when acting. The comparison between the phonetic parameters - Acoustic evaluated with MDVP software and self-rated questionnaire actors (CAVA), proved to be significant, indicating no correlation between subjective and objective evaluation applied.
Acting is one of the oldest professions in the world, with the course of the years it has been increasingly professionalized, increasing the amount of people interested in this area, which has led to a greater number of these professionals each year. This has led to increased vocal demands placed on each of the actors in order to stay current in the workplace. From the point of view of vocal health, this overuse can bring negative consequences to the phonatory system, making it necessary to have a good basis for the functioning and voice care. This study aimed to describe the relationship between the phonetic-acoustic parameters (Fundamental Frequency, Jitter, Shimmer, NHR and SPI), measured through the Multi-Dimensional Voice Program (MDVP) software and vocal self-perception as measured by Vocal Self-Perception Questionnaire in Actors (CAVA) applied to acting students in the Metropolitan Region of Chile. The sample consisted of 55 subjects, of whom 35 were women and 20 were men, all of them acting students in 2014 that were in their last two years of study. For this research two professional institutes belonging to the Metropolitan Region of Chile were selected. As for the results, according to objective analysis through software MDVP was observed that the sample 47.3% had altered either in one or more of the five acoustic parameters evaluated, being SPI and Jitter the ones with greater impairment. Concerning voice self-perception was shown that 81.81% of the sample had a positive self-perception, showing that a large percentage of this think they have a good voice quality when acting. The comparison between the phonetic parameters - Acoustic evaluated with MDVP software and self-rated questionnaire actors (CAVA), proved to be significant, indicating no correlation between subjective and objective evaluation applied.
Tesis (Fonoaudiólogo)
Palabras clave
Voz, Cuidado e Higiene, Estudiantes de Actuación