Sala de rehabilitación infanto juvenil con base comunitaria para niños, niñas y adolescentes con patologías de origen neurológicas y/o neurodegenerativas de la comuna de Temuco, IX región
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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En Chile existen políticas públicas que protegen los derechos de las personas con
discapacidad, como la ley 20.422 que establece normas sobre la igualdad de
oportunidades e inclusión social, esta ley declara que la prevención de la discapacidad
y la rehabilitación constituyen una obligación del estado y asimismo, un derecho y un
deber de las personas con discapacidad, de su familia y de la sociedad en su conjunto;
a pesar de esto siguen existiendo grandes brechas entre atenciones, especialmente
para los niños, niñas y jóvenes en condiciones neurológicas crónicas que necesitan
atención especializada, como por ejemplo los niños que utilizan dispositivos de
asistencia invasiva para la respiración o alimentación.
Cabe mencionar que en la región de la Araucanía existe un único centro de
rehabilitación, el cual es privado sin fines de lucro, donde se atiende la totalidad de la
población anteriormente mencionada. Este único centro no logra abarcar todas las
necesidades de las personas con discapacidad y sus familias, debido a la alta
demanda existente en la zona. Según el Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas de Chile por
cada 100 personas de entre 0 a 14 años existen 31,4 personas con índice de
dependencia en esta Región.
Existen estudios que evidencian que una rehabilitación continua e integral tiene
mejoras en el sistema neuromuscular, por lo mismo se busca en este proyecto dar una
solución a la población de niños, niñas y adolescentes de 0 a 18 años que presenten
una discapacidad y que se encuentren en una situación de vulnerabilidad, apoyando
también a sus familias y generando instancias de capacitación.
Para esto, y de acuerdo a un modelo basado en la comunidad, se buscará el apoyo de
distintas entidades públicas y/o privadas que apoyen en la generación de instancias
participativas y recreativas, como las dependencias de centros de salud familiar,
instituciones o empresas privadas, mientras que para las atenciones clínicas, a cargo
de profesionales de la salud y alumnos de quinto años de las carreras de rehabilitación,
se utilizarán las dependencias de Universidades. contribuyendo a disminuir lo más
posible deformidades o problemas asociados a una patología.
In Chile there are public policies that protect the rights of people with disabilities, such as Law 20.422 that establishes rules on equal opportunities and social inclusion, this law declares that the prevention of disability and rehabilitation constitute an obligation of the state and significant, a right and a duty of people with disabilities, their families and society as a whole; Despite this there are still large gaps between care, especially for children and young people with chronic neurological conditions who need specialized care, such as children who use invasive assistive devices for breathing or feeding. It is worth mentioning that in the Araucanía region there is only one rehabilitation center, which is private without profit fines, where the entire aforementioned population is served. This single center is unable to cover all the needs of people with disabilities and their families, due to the high demand in the area. According to the National Institute of Statistics of Chile, for every 100 people between 0 and 14 years of age, there are 31.4 people with a dependency rate in this Region. There are studies that show that a continuous and comprehensive rehabilitation has improvements in the neuromuscular system, for the same reason this project seeks to provide a solution to the population of children and adolescents from 0 to 18 years of age who have a disability and who are in a situation of vulnerability, also supporting their families and generating training opportunities. For this, and according to a community-based model, the support of different public and/or private entities will be sought, which will reinforce the generation of participatory and recreational instances, such as family health center units, institutions or private companies, while for clinical attention, a position of health professionals and fifth-year students of rehabilitation careers, the dependencies of Universities will be used. contributing to reduce as much as possible deformities or problems associated with a pathology
In Chile there are public policies that protect the rights of people with disabilities, such as Law 20.422 that establishes rules on equal opportunities and social inclusion, this law declares that the prevention of disability and rehabilitation constitute an obligation of the state and significant, a right and a duty of people with disabilities, their families and society as a whole; Despite this there are still large gaps between care, especially for children and young people with chronic neurological conditions who need specialized care, such as children who use invasive assistive devices for breathing or feeding. It is worth mentioning that in the Araucanía region there is only one rehabilitation center, which is private without profit fines, where the entire aforementioned population is served. This single center is unable to cover all the needs of people with disabilities and their families, due to the high demand in the area. According to the National Institute of Statistics of Chile, for every 100 people between 0 and 14 years of age, there are 31.4 people with a dependency rate in this Region. There are studies that show that a continuous and comprehensive rehabilitation has improvements in the neuromuscular system, for the same reason this project seeks to provide a solution to the population of children and adolescents from 0 to 18 years of age who have a disability and who are in a situation of vulnerability, also supporting their families and generating training opportunities. For this, and according to a community-based model, the support of different public and/or private entities will be sought, which will reinforce the generation of participatory and recreational instances, such as family health center units, institutions or private companies, while for clinical attention, a position of health professionals and fifth-year students of rehabilitation careers, the dependencies of Universities will be used. contributing to reduce as much as possible deformities or problems associated with a pathology
Actividad Final de Graduación (Magíster en Neurorrehabilitación)
Palabras clave
Niños Discapacitados, Jóvenes con Discapacidad, Rehabilitación, Centros de Rehabilitación, Chile, Temuco.