Discriminación racial determinantes sociales de la salud en niños y niñas migrantes: revisión narrativa
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Objetivo: Analizar la relación entre Determinantes Sociales de la Salud (DSS) y discrimi nación en niños, niñas y adolescentes migrantes a partir de la información disponible en la
literatura científica.
Método: Revisión narrativa de estudios primarios publicados entre 2008 y 2021 en las ba ses de datos PubMed y Web of Science. Se utilizaron los descriptores “Psychological/Social
Discrimination”, “Racism”, “Social Stigma”, “Social Determinants of Health”, “Public Heal th”, “Health Equity”, “Transients and Migrants”, “Refugees”, “Emigrants and Immigrants”,
“Undocumented Immigrants”, “Child”, “Adolescent”, “Child, “Preschool”. Los operadores
booleanos utilizados fueron AND y OR. Se incluyeron artículos observacionales (analíticos
o descriptivos) que evaluaran la relación entre discriminación racial y DSS, publicados en
inglés o español. La población de estudio fueron niños, niñas y adolescentes. La selección
de artículos se realizó siguiendo las recomendaciones PRISMA. La calidad de la evidencia fue
evaluada mediante la herramienta MMAT.
Resultados: De un total de 1249 artículos identificados, se incluyeron 55. La mayor can tidad de artículos identificó el efecto de la relación entre discriminación racial y migración
en ámbitos de salud mental negativa. Fue escasa la evidencia respecto de determinantes
estructurales, sin embargo, destaca la relación entre discriminación racial y el efecto mode rador de la familia y la escuela.
Conclusiones: Analizar la discriminación racial que perciben niños y niñas migrantes me diante un enfoque de DSS permite identificar áreas sensibles al desarrollo estrategias de
reducción de inequidades en este grupo.
Objective: To analyze the relationship between Social Determinants of Health (SDH) and racial discrimination in migrant children and adolescents, based on the information available in the scientific literature. Method: Narrative review of primary studies published between 2008 and 2021 in PubMed and Web of Science databases. The descriptors “Psychological/Social Discrimination”, “Ra-cism”, “Social Stigma”, “Social Determinants of Health”, “Public Health”, “Health Equity”, “Transients and Migrants”, “Refugees”, “Emigrants and Immigrants”, “Undocumented Im-migrants”, “Child”, “Adolescent”, “Child”, “Preschool” were using. The Boolean operators used were AND OR. We included observational articles (analytical or descriptive) that evaluated the relationship between racial discrimination and SDH, published in English or Spanish. The study population was children and adolescents. We select articles following the PRISMA re-commendations. The evaluation of the quality of the evidence was made using MMAT. Results: Of a total of 1249 articles identified, 55 articles were included. The most sig-nificant number of articles identified the relationship between racial discrimination and migration on adverse mental health outcomes. Evidence regarding structural determinants was scarce; however, the relationship between racial discrimination and the moderating effect of family and school stands out. Conclusions: Analyzing racial discrimination as perceived by migrant children through a DSS approach allows us to identify sensitive areas to develop strategies to reduce inequities in this group. © 2023, Universidad del Norte. All rights reserved. Author keywords: adolescent; child; discrimination; emigrants and immigrants; health equity; preschool; public health; racism; social determinants of health; social stigma
Objective: To analyze the relationship between Social Determinants of Health (SDH) and racial discrimination in migrant children and adolescents, based on the information available in the scientific literature. Method: Narrative review of primary studies published between 2008 and 2021 in PubMed and Web of Science databases. The descriptors “Psychological/Social Discrimination”, “Ra-cism”, “Social Stigma”, “Social Determinants of Health”, “Public Health”, “Health Equity”, “Transients and Migrants”, “Refugees”, “Emigrants and Immigrants”, “Undocumented Im-migrants”, “Child”, “Adolescent”, “Child”, “Preschool” were using. The Boolean operators used were AND OR. We included observational articles (analytical or descriptive) that evaluated the relationship between racial discrimination and SDH, published in English or Spanish. The study population was children and adolescents. We select articles following the PRISMA re-commendations. The evaluation of the quality of the evidence was made using MMAT. Results: Of a total of 1249 articles identified, 55 articles were included. The most sig-nificant number of articles identified the relationship between racial discrimination and migration on adverse mental health outcomes. Evidence regarding structural determinants was scarce; however, the relationship between racial discrimination and the moderating effect of family and school stands out. Conclusions: Analyzing racial discrimination as perceived by migrant children through a DSS approach allows us to identify sensitive areas to develop strategies to reduce inequities in this group. © 2023, Universidad del Norte. All rights reserved. Author keywords: adolescent; child; discrimination; emigrants and immigrants; health equity; preschool; public health; racism; social determinants of health; social stigma
Indexación: Scopus.
Palabras clave
Discriminación, Racismo, Estigma social, Determinantes sociales de la salud, Equidad en salud, Emigrantes e inmigrantes, Niño, Adolescente, Preescolar
Salud Uninorte. Volume 39, Issue 1, Pages 241 - 264. Jan-Apr 2023