Efecto de la hidrogimnasia en la prevenciĆ³n de caĆdas en adultos mayores
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Universidad AndrƩs Bello
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IntroducciĆ³n: El envejecimiento se relaciona con un deterioro a nivel fisiolĆ³gico y funcional que afecta una gran parte de la poblaciĆ³n de adultos mayores, incrementando los eventos de caĆdas que sufren al aƱo; se estima que una persona de 65 aƱos o mĆ”s puede caer una o mĆ”s veces en el aƱo, cifra que se incrementa en sujetos mayores de 80 aƱos, lo cual desencadena una mayor probabilidad de sufrir fractura de cadera, empeoramiento de la calidad de vida, su funcionalidad y autonomĆa. MetodologĆa: Se efectuĆ³ una revisiĆ³n sistemĆ”tica de la literatura, desarrollando la bĆŗsqueda en las bases de datos PUBMED, SCOPUS, WOS, CINAHL, incluyendo ensayos clĆnicos aleatorizados que evalĆŗen el efecto de la hidroterapia en la prevenciĆ³n de caĆdas, funcionalidad y calidad de vida. Resultados: Se identificaron 12 estudios que cumplieron los criterios de inclusiĆ³n; la evaluaciĆ³n del riesgo de sesgo arrojĆ³ un bajo riesgo para todos los Ćtems, con excepciĆ³n del cegamiento a participantes y personal, el cual mostrĆ³ un alto riesgo de sesgo. DiscusiĆ³n: Se evidenciĆ³ que existe una diferencia entre las intervenciones de hidroterapia y terapia convencional (en suelo), sin embargo, el tiempo en el cual se aplica esta intervenciĆ³n, demostrĆ³ que no es el suficiente para que la hidroterapia pueda funcionar correctamente.
Introduction: Aging is related to a deterioration at the physiological and functional level that affects a large part of the population known as older adults with the increase in falls that they suffer per year; It is estimated that a person aged 65 or over can fall one or more times a year, a figure that increases in subjects over 80 years of age, which triggers a greater probability of suffering a hip fracture, worsening quality of life, Functionality and autonomy. Methodology: A systematic review of the literature was carried out, developing the search in the PUBMED, SCOPUS, WOS, CINAHL databases, including randomized clinical trials that evaluate the effect of hydrotherapy in the prevention of falls, functionality and quality of life. Results: 12 studies that met the inclusion criteria were identified; the risk of bias assessment yielded a low risk for all items except blinding to participant and personnel, which showed a high risk of bias.Discussion: It was evidenced that there is a difference between hydrotherapy crises and conventional therapy (on land), however, the time in which this intervention is applied is not enough for hydrotherapy to work correctly
Introduction: Aging is related to a deterioration at the physiological and functional level that affects a large part of the population known as older adults with the increase in falls that they suffer per year; It is estimated that a person aged 65 or over can fall one or more times a year, a figure that increases in subjects over 80 years of age, which triggers a greater probability of suffering a hip fracture, worsening quality of life, Functionality and autonomy. Methodology: A systematic review of the literature was carried out, developing the search in the PUBMED, SCOPUS, WOS, CINAHL databases, including randomized clinical trials that evaluate the effect of hydrotherapy in the prevention of falls, functionality and quality of life. Results: 12 studies that met the inclusion criteria were identified; the risk of bias assessment yielded a low risk for all items except blinding to participant and personnel, which showed a high risk of bias.Discussion: It was evidenced that there is a difference between hydrotherapy crises and conventional therapy (on land), however, the time in which this intervention is applied is not enough for hydrotherapy to work correctly
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Ejercicios AcuƔticos|, En Ancianos, Investigaciones