Relación entre integración y plasticidad fenotípica en respuesta a la sequía en Arabidopsis thaliana
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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El cambio climático es una de las principales causas de la pérdida de la
biodiversidad. Es por esto que entender cómo los organismos pueden
responder a esta condición, es de vital importancia. Una de las condiciones
que conlleva el cambio climático es la de sequía. Para hacer frente al estrés
por sequía, las plantas utilizan mecanismos claves, dentro de los cuales se
encuentra la plasticidad fenotípica. Estudios previos indican que la plasticidad
fenotípica puede verse limitada por la integración fenotípica, aunque no
siempre es el caso. En general, falta evidencia para determinar si la
integración puede limitar la plasticidad fenotípica, ya que los estudios que se
han hecho han contado con un número limitado de poblaciones. En el caso de
que la integración limite a la plasticidad fenotípica, es relevante comprender
que poblaciones están más integradas fenotípicamente. En este sentido,
estudios previos establecen que la integración es mayor bajo condiciones
estresantes. Es importante poder comprender el potencial de respuesta que
las plantas tienen frente a la sequía y para esto, utilizar una especie modelo
es ideal. Para estudiar la relación entre la plasticidad fenotípica y la integración
(con diferentes variables ambientales) se utilizó la especie Arabidopsis
thaliana. En esta tesis se plantearon dos hipótesis: (1) las poblaciones más
integradas fenotípicamente serán menos plásticas en respuesta a la sequía y
(2) las poblaciones de A. thaliana que vienen de ambientes más estresantes
(menor temperatura, menor precipitación o mayor aridez) estarán más
integradas fenotípicamente. Se expuso a 20 poblaciones que provenían de
áreas con diferentes temperaturas y precipitaciones a dos tratamientos
(sequía y control). Luego se midió la plasticidad fenotípica en 10 rasgos
asociados a la respuesta de las plantas frente a la sequía, además de la
integración que cada una de estas poblaciones muestra entre estos rasgos.
En este estudio, se encontró una relación neutra o positiva entre la integración
y la plasticidad fenotípica, por lo que la integración no estaría limitando a la
plasticidad en respuesta a la sequía en esta especie. Por otro lado, no se
encontró evidencia de mayor integración bajo ninguna de las condiciones
ambientales estudiadas. Esto indicaría que la integración puede no ser una
respuesta frente al estrés en esta especie.
Climate change is one of the main causes of biodiversity loss. This is why understanding how organisms respond to this condition is of vital importance. One of the conditions brought about by climate change is drought. To cope with drought stress, plants use key mechanisms, including phenotypic plasticity. Previous studies indicate that phenotypic plasticity may be limited by phenotypic integration, although this is not always the case. In general, evidence is lacking to determine whether integration can limit phenotypic plasticity, as the studies that have been done have involved a limited number of populations. In the case that integration limits phenotypic plasticity, it is relevant to understand which populations are more phenotypically integrated. In this sense, previous studies have found that integration is greater under stressful conditions. It is important to understand the potential response that plants have to drought and for this, using a model species is ideal. To study the relationship between phenotypic plasticity and integration (with different environmental variables), the species Arabidopsis thaliana was used. Two hypotheses were put forward in this thesis: (1) more phenotypically integrated populations will be less plastic in response to drought and (2) Arabidopsis thaliana populations coming from more stressful environments (lower temperature, lower precipitation or higher aridity) will be more phenotypically integrated. Twenty populations coming from areas with different temperatures and precipitation were exposed to two treatments (drought and control). Phenotypic plasticity was then measured in 10 traits associated with plant response to drought, as well as the integration that each of these populations show among these traits. In this study, we found a neutral or positive relationship between integration and phenotypic plasticity, so that integration would not be limiting plasticity in response to drought in this species. On the other hand, no evidence of increased integration was found under any of the environmental conditions studied. This would indicate that integration may not be response to stress in this species.
Climate change is one of the main causes of biodiversity loss. This is why understanding how organisms respond to this condition is of vital importance. One of the conditions brought about by climate change is drought. To cope with drought stress, plants use key mechanisms, including phenotypic plasticity. Previous studies indicate that phenotypic plasticity may be limited by phenotypic integration, although this is not always the case. In general, evidence is lacking to determine whether integration can limit phenotypic plasticity, as the studies that have been done have involved a limited number of populations. In the case that integration limits phenotypic plasticity, it is relevant to understand which populations are more phenotypically integrated. In this sense, previous studies have found that integration is greater under stressful conditions. It is important to understand the potential response that plants have to drought and for this, using a model species is ideal. To study the relationship between phenotypic plasticity and integration (with different environmental variables), the species Arabidopsis thaliana was used. Two hypotheses were put forward in this thesis: (1) more phenotypically integrated populations will be less plastic in response to drought and (2) Arabidopsis thaliana populations coming from more stressful environments (lower temperature, lower precipitation or higher aridity) will be more phenotypically integrated. Twenty populations coming from areas with different temperatures and precipitation were exposed to two treatments (drought and control). Phenotypic plasticity was then measured in 10 traits associated with plant response to drought, as well as the integration that each of these populations show among these traits. In this study, we found a neutral or positive relationship between integration and phenotypic plasticity, so that integration would not be limiting plasticity in response to drought in this species. On the other hand, no evidence of increased integration was found under any of the environmental conditions studied. This would indicate that integration may not be response to stress in this species.
Tesis (Licenciada en Biología)
Esta tesis se realizó en los laboratorios de Ecología vegetal y de Fitopatología molecular de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Vida, de la Universidad Andrés Bello y fue financiada por los proyectos FONDECYT N° 11220233 y FONDECYT Regular N° 1210320.
Esta tesis se realizó en los laboratorios de Ecología vegetal y de Fitopatología molecular de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Vida, de la Universidad Andrés Bello y fue financiada por los proyectos FONDECYT N° 11220233 y FONDECYT Regular N° 1210320.
Palabras clave
Fenotipo, Arabidopsis Thaliana, Sequías, Estrés (Fisiología)