Diversidad de briófitas cortícolas del área Bajo Esperanza del glaciar Oriental, Campo de Hielo Sur, región de Aysén, Chile
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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El Campo de Hielo Patagónico Sur es una región austral y biodiversa,
caracterizada por su clima subantártico que ofrece condiciones óptimas para el
desarrollo de las briófitas. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo estudiar la
diversidad de las briófitas corticícolas en un bosque de Nothofagus betuloides y
Drimys winteri en el sector Bajo Esperanza (48º23’S; 73º06’O), próximo al
glaciar Oriental. Las diferencias de cobertura relativa, riqueza y abundancia en
relación a variables en escala de microhábitat, como la especie arbórea, el pH
de la corteza, altura y exposición cardinal en el tronco del árbol muestreado
fueron estimadas. Se identificó un total de 21 géneros de briófitas corticícolas (5
musgos y 16 hepáticas). Se estimaron índices de diversidad alfa paramétricos
(Shannon-Wiener, Simpson y equidad de Pielou) y no paramétricos (Chao y
Margalef) los cuales indicaron una alta biodiversidad en el área de estudio. Los
análisis multivariados mostraron principalmente que existe diferencias
significativas (p < 0.05) en la cobertura relativa, riqueza, abundancia y
diversidad alfa de briófitas cortícolas en relación a la altura en el tronco del árbol
en el bosque estudiado. Estos hallazgos brindan nuevos conocimientos sobre la
biodiversidad de briófitas en los bosques nativos del Campo de Hielo
Patagónico Sur y su relación con el microhábitat, antecedentes que mejoran el
conocimiento de la flora y vegetación a los esfuerzos de conservación en este
ecosistema único en el mundo.
The Southern Patagonian Ice Field is a southern and biodiverse region, characterized by its sub-Antarctic climate that offers optimal conditions for the development of bryophytes. The objective of this research is to study the diversity of corticolous bryophytes in a forest of Nothofagus betuloides and Drimys winteri at the Bajo Esperanza sector (48º23'S; 73º06'W), close to the Oriental glacier. Differences in relative cover, richness, and abundance in relation to variables at the microhabitat scale, such as tree species, bark pH, height, and cardinal exposure at the trunk of the sampled tree were estimated. A total of 21 genera of corticolous bryophytes (5 mosses and 16 liverworts) were identified. Parametric (Shannon-Wiener, Simpson and Pielou equity) and non parametric (Chao and Margalef) alpha diversity indices were estimated, which indicated a high biodiversity in the study area. The multivariate analyzes mainly showed that there are significant differences (p < 0.05) in the relative cover, richness, relative abundance and alpha diversity of bryophytes in relation to the height in the tree trunk in the studied forest. These findings provide new knowledge about the biodiversity of bryophytes at the native forests of the Southern Patagonian Ice Field and its relationship with the microhabitat, information that improves knowledge of the flora and vegetation for conservation efforts in this unique ecosystem in the world.
The Southern Patagonian Ice Field is a southern and biodiverse region, characterized by its sub-Antarctic climate that offers optimal conditions for the development of bryophytes. The objective of this research is to study the diversity of corticolous bryophytes in a forest of Nothofagus betuloides and Drimys winteri at the Bajo Esperanza sector (48º23'S; 73º06'W), close to the Oriental glacier. Differences in relative cover, richness, and abundance in relation to variables at the microhabitat scale, such as tree species, bark pH, height, and cardinal exposure at the trunk of the sampled tree were estimated. A total of 21 genera of corticolous bryophytes (5 mosses and 16 liverworts) were identified. Parametric (Shannon-Wiener, Simpson and Pielou equity) and non parametric (Chao and Margalef) alpha diversity indices were estimated, which indicated a high biodiversity in the study area. The multivariate analyzes mainly showed that there are significant differences (p < 0.05) in the relative cover, richness, relative abundance and alpha diversity of bryophytes in relation to the height in the tree trunk in the studied forest. These findings provide new knowledge about the biodiversity of bryophytes at the native forests of the Southern Patagonian Ice Field and its relationship with the microhabitat, information that improves knowledge of the flora and vegetation for conservation efforts in this unique ecosystem in the world.
Tesis (Licenciada en Biología)
Palabras clave
Briofitas, Chile, Campos de Hielo Sur