Servicios de salud preventivos digitales que se utilizan para la detección del cáncer cervicouterino en periodo de pandemia SARS-COV-2
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Introducción: El cáncer de cuello uterino (CaCu), es el cuarto tipo de cáncer más común
en las mujeres a nivel mundial y es uno de los tipos de cáncer más prevenibles. Siendo
relevantes servicios de salud Preventivos de pesquisa y detección precoz entre mujeres
de 25 a 64 años, ya que, en el contexto sanitario actual, las consultas convencionales
han sido reemplazadas por tele consultas, como una herramienta para abordar los
problemas de salud de la población por las medidas de confinamiento adoptadas.
Objetivo: Analizar los Servicios de Salud preventivos digitales que se utilizan para la
detección del Cáncer Cervicouterino (CaCu) en periodo de pandemia. Materiales y
métodos: Se realizó una Scoping Review. Fueron utilizadas tres bases de datos: Us
National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health (PubMed), la Cumulative Index
to Nursing & Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), para la literatura gris, la base de datos
electrónica Google Scholar y los repositorios y Center for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC). La pregunta fue formulada mediante la estructura PCC, siendo
(P) "Uterine Cervical Neoplasms", (C) “Preventive health services” y (C) “Telemedicine”.
La búsqueda por descriptores MeSH y operadores booleanos AND y OR, incluyendo
estudios primarios, en español, inglés y portugués, entre enero 2019 y diciembre 2021.
Se evaluó la calidad metodológica mediante las checklist Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool
(MMAT), A measurement tool to assess systematic reviews (AMSTAR) y JBI Critical
Appraisal Checklist for Text and Opinion Papers Fue realizado análisis temático según
modelo teórico MAST (Model for Assessment of Telemedicine Applications).Resultados:
De un total de 309 artículos, 10 artículos incluidos, uno fue estudio cuantitativo de cohorte,
un estudio transversal, dos estudios cuantitativos ensayo controlado aleatorizado, un
estudio cualitativo, un estudio cuantitativo descriptivo, tres artículos científicos y un
estudio de análisis crítico. Según país de origen: dos de Tanzania, dos de Estados
Unidos, uno de Shiselweni de Eswatin, uno de Sur de Asia (Indias, paquistanies Nepal),
uno de Londres, uno de Hong Kong, uno de Chongqing, China y uno de África
Subsahariana. Los principales hallazgos evidenciaron que los servicios de salud
preventivos digitales para la detección del CaCu fueron la mensajería de texto por
telefonía Móvil presentes en cinco estudios, llamados telefónicos en tres estudios.
Cervicografía basada en teléfonos inteligentes en dos estudios y encuesta por teléfono
en un estudio. Conclusión: El Servicio de Salud preventivo digital que se utilizan para la
detección del Cáncer Cervicouterino (CaCu) en periodo de pandemia fue mensajería de
texto por telefonía Móvil identificado. El modelo de educación para la salud por teléfono
puede mejorar el cumplimiento de las pruebas de detección, sin embargo, esta práctica
necesita desarrollar estrategias de difusión, promoción y educación sobre los beneficios
de la toma de PAP y la pesquisa precoz del CaCu.
Introduction: Cervical cancer (CaCu), worldwide, is the fourth most common type of cancer in women and is one of the most preventable types of cancer. Being relevant the Preventive health services of investigation and early detection that CaCu has in women aged 25 to 64, who have been affected by the current health context, increasing telemedicine as a tool to address health problems of the population due to the confinement measures adopted. Objective: To know the digital preventive Health Services that are used for the detection of Cervical Cancer (CaCu) in a pandemic period. Materials and methods: A Scoping Review was conducted. Three databases were used: Us National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health (PubMed), the Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), for gray literature, the Google Scholar electronic database, and the Science repositories. gov and Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The question was formulated using the PCC structure, being (P) "Uterine Cervical Neoplasms", (C) "Preventive health services" and (C) "Telemedicine". The search for MeSH descriptors and Boolean AND and OR operators, including primary studies, in Spanish, English and Portuguese, between January 2019 and December 2021. Methodological quality was evaluated using the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT), A measurement tool to assess systematic reviews (AMSTAR) and JBI Critical Appraisal Checklist for Text and Opinion Papers Descriptive and thematic analysis of the findings was carried out according to the theoretical model MAST (Model for Assessment of Telemedicine Applications). Results: Of a total of 309 articles, 10 articles included, one was a quantitative cohort study, one cross-sectional study, two quantitative randomized controlled trials, one qualitative study, one quantitative descriptive study, three scientific articles and one critical analysis study.According to country of origin: two from Tanzania, two from the United States, one from Shiselweni de Eswatin, one from South Asia (Indies, Pakistani Nepal), one from London, one from Hong Kong, one from Chongqing, China and one from Sub-Saharan Africa. The greatest use in telemedicine of the mhealth service is related to the text messages by mobile telephony identified in five studies, three studies with telephone calls, two with Cervicography based on smartphones and one with a telephone survey. Conclusion: Telemedicine is the digital tool used for the detection of Cervical Cancer (CaCu) in a pandemic period, with the mHealth service that its greatest use is related to text messages by identified mobile telephone calls. The health education model by telephone can improve compliance with the detection tests, however, this practice needs to develop dissemination, promotion, and education strategies on the benefits of taking PAP and the timely investigation of CaCu.
Introduction: Cervical cancer (CaCu), worldwide, is the fourth most common type of cancer in women and is one of the most preventable types of cancer. Being relevant the Preventive health services of investigation and early detection that CaCu has in women aged 25 to 64, who have been affected by the current health context, increasing telemedicine as a tool to address health problems of the population due to the confinement measures adopted. Objective: To know the digital preventive Health Services that are used for the detection of Cervical Cancer (CaCu) in a pandemic period. Materials and methods: A Scoping Review was conducted. Three databases were used: Us National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health (PubMed), the Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), for gray literature, the Google Scholar electronic database, and the Science repositories. gov and Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The question was formulated using the PCC structure, being (P) "Uterine Cervical Neoplasms", (C) "Preventive health services" and (C) "Telemedicine". The search for MeSH descriptors and Boolean AND and OR operators, including primary studies, in Spanish, English and Portuguese, between January 2019 and December 2021. Methodological quality was evaluated using the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT), A measurement tool to assess systematic reviews (AMSTAR) and JBI Critical Appraisal Checklist for Text and Opinion Papers Descriptive and thematic analysis of the findings was carried out according to the theoretical model MAST (Model for Assessment of Telemedicine Applications). Results: Of a total of 309 articles, 10 articles included, one was a quantitative cohort study, one cross-sectional study, two quantitative randomized controlled trials, one qualitative study, one quantitative descriptive study, three scientific articles and one critical analysis study.According to country of origin: two from Tanzania, two from the United States, one from Shiselweni de Eswatin, one from South Asia (Indies, Pakistani Nepal), one from London, one from Hong Kong, one from Chongqing, China and one from Sub-Saharan Africa. The greatest use in telemedicine of the mhealth service is related to the text messages by mobile telephony identified in five studies, three studies with telephone calls, two with Cervicography based on smartphones and one with a telephone survey. Conclusion: Telemedicine is the digital tool used for the detection of Cervical Cancer (CaCu) in a pandemic period, with the mHealth service that its greatest use is related to text messages by identified mobile telephone calls. The health education model by telephone can improve compliance with the detection tests, however, this practice needs to develop dissemination, promotion, and education strategies on the benefits of taking PAP and the timely investigation of CaCu.
Tesis (Magíster en Gestión de Atención Primaria de Salud)
Palabras clave
Cáncer del Cuello Uterino, Prevención y Control, Innovaciones Tecnológicas, COVID-19 pandemia, 2020