Manual para ejecuciĆ³n y desarrollo en gestiĆ³n deportiva destinado a dirigentes, clubes deportivos y personas ligadas al deporte de la comuna de Melipilla
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Universidad AndrƩs Bello
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La gestiĆ³n y administraciĆ³n deportiva cada dĆa toma mayor relevancia en nuestro paĆs, lo anterior
debido a la importancia que tiene el deporte y actividad fĆsica en nuestra sociedad, por lo cual
resulta importante que las instituciones acceden en gran medida a las postulaciones a concursos
pĆŗblicos para la adjudicaciĆ³n de recursos econĆ³micos. El gran problema para los dirigentes es que
no tienen tiempo para realizar las postulaciones, muchas veces no tienen el conocimiento
necesario para realizar una adecuaciĆ³n de sus estatutos, para poner en regla la documentaciĆ³n
necesaria para postular y otro nĆŗmero de dirigentes no les interesa la postulaciĆ³n a fondos
pĆŗblicos, ya que les parece una etapa difĆcil y engorrosa y que no tendrĆ” frutos positivos para sus
organizaciones deportivas.
El trabajo del dirigente es duro, sacrificado y solo es hecho por amor a la InstituciĆ³n, parte con la
formulaciĆ³n y postulaciĆ³n a los proyectos deportivos, luego en caso de ser adjudicados los fondos
viene la documentaciĆ³n necesaria para comenzar a ejecutar las actividades, para posterior seguir
con la complicada rendiciĆ³n de cuentas. Pero de quĆ© sirve tener una Club deportivo con gran
cantidad de actividades si estas actividades no son difundidas para la dirigencia del club, si el
objetivo es que la instituciĆ³n crezca, para ellos hay que difundir las actividades que ellos ejecutan.
Por lo tanto este Manual para dirigentes deportivos es un proyecto novedoso y que serĆ” de gran
ayuda para toda la gente que adquiera este documento como servicio para sus Organizaciones,
dicho Manual estĆ” centrado en los planes de acciĆ³n: Legal, Administrativo, Financiero y de
Marketing que entrega una visiĆ³n completa de cĆ³mo debe funcionar una OrganizaciĆ³n Deportiva a
los ojos de los dirigentes deportivos y la comunidad.
The management and sports administration every day becomes more relevant in our country, the foregoing due to the importance of sport and physical activity in our society, which is why it is important that institutions have access to public competitions to a large extent. the allocation of economic resources. The big problem for the leaders is that they do not have time to make the applications, often do not have the necessary knowledge to make an adaptation of their statutes, to put in order the necessary documentation to apply and another number of leaders are not interested in the application to public funds, since they find it a difficult and cumbersome stage and that will not have positive results for their sports organizations. The work of the leaders is hard, sacrificial and is only done for the love of the Institution, part with the formulation and application to sports projects, and then if awarded the funds comes the necessary documentation to start executing the activities, for later continue with the complicated rendering of accounts. Something not easy, since the accountability in a complex world. But what is the use of having a sports club with a lot of activities if these activities are not spread to the club's leadership, if the objective is for the institution to grow, for them it is necessary to disseminate the activities they perform. Therefore this Manual for sport leaders is a novel project and it will be of great help for all the people who acquire this document as a service for their Organizations, this Manual is centered on the action plans: Legal, Administrative, Financial and Marketing that gives a complete vision of how a Sports Organization should work in the eyes of sports leaders and the community.
The management and sports administration every day becomes more relevant in our country, the foregoing due to the importance of sport and physical activity in our society, which is why it is important that institutions have access to public competitions to a large extent. the allocation of economic resources. The big problem for the leaders is that they do not have time to make the applications, often do not have the necessary knowledge to make an adaptation of their statutes, to put in order the necessary documentation to apply and another number of leaders are not interested in the application to public funds, since they find it a difficult and cumbersome stage and that will not have positive results for their sports organizations. The work of the leaders is hard, sacrificial and is only done for the love of the Institution, part with the formulation and application to sports projects, and then if awarded the funds comes the necessary documentation to start executing the activities, for later continue with the complicated rendering of accounts. Something not easy, since the accountability in a complex world. But what is the use of having a sports club with a lot of activities if these activities are not spread to the club's leadership, if the objective is for the institution to grow, for them it is necessary to disseminate the activities they perform. Therefore this Manual for sport leaders is a novel project and it will be of great help for all the people who acquire this document as a service for their Organizations, this Manual is centered on the action plans: Legal, Administrative, Financial and Marketing that gives a complete vision of how a Sports Organization should work in the eyes of sports leaders and the community.
Tesis (MagĆster en GestiĆ³n de la Actividad FĆsica y Deportiva)
Palabras clave
Deportes, AdministraciĆ³n, Chile, Melipilla, Manuales