Percepción de los estudiantes de 3° y 4° básico en relación a la clase de educación física del colegio Saint George´s
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El presente estudio busca profundizar en el modelo de gestión de la
asignatura de Educación Física para la primera unidad básica, conociendo su
estructura, organización y ejecución. Para esto se decide efectuar una
evaluación de la gestión deportiva y procedimiento de las clases, dando a
conocer las fortalezas y debilidades que esta pueda presentar según la
percepción de los estudiantes, situándose en el último periodo escolar de la
primera unidad básica, logrando de esta manera ofrecer, en caso de ser
apropiado y necesario, sugerencias que permitan fortalecer el modelo
El universo perteneciente al estudio está representado por estudiantes
de 3° y 4° año de enseñanza básica, en donde el diseño de estudio utilizado
recae en el método no experimental, a través de un estudio descriptivo y
enfoque cuantitativo, aplicándose un cuestionario validado por tres docentes
expertos con nivel de postgrado.
Dicho cuestionario de percepción de la clase de Educación Física,
contempla 4 ítems que abarcan las dimensiones de Relación, Contenido,
Seguridad y Valoración, evaluados por una tabla de Likert.
This study seeks to deepen the management model of the Physical Education subject for the first basic unit, knowing its structure, organization and execution. In order to do this, it was decided to carry out an evaluation of the sports management and class procedure, making known the strengths and weaknesses that this may present according to the perception of the students, being located in the last school period of the first basic unit, thus achieving to offer, if appropriate and necessary, suggestions that allow to strengthen the model researched. The universe belonging to the study is represented by students of 3rd and 4th year of basic education, where the study design used falls into the nonexperimental method, through a descriptive study and quantitative approach, applying a questionnaire validated by three expert teachers with postgraduate level. This questionnaire of perception of the Physical Education class includes 4 items that cover the dimensions of Relationship, Content, Security and Valuation, evaluated by a Likert table.
This study seeks to deepen the management model of the Physical Education subject for the first basic unit, knowing its structure, organization and execution. In order to do this, it was decided to carry out an evaluation of the sports management and class procedure, making known the strengths and weaknesses that this may present according to the perception of the students, being located in the last school period of the first basic unit, thus achieving to offer, if appropriate and necessary, suggestions that allow to strengthen the model researched. The universe belonging to the study is represented by students of 3rd and 4th year of basic education, where the study design used falls into the nonexperimental method, through a descriptive study and quantitative approach, applying a questionnaire validated by three expert teachers with postgraduate level. This questionnaire of perception of the Physical Education class includes 4 items that cover the dimensions of Relationship, Content, Security and Valuation, evaluated by a Likert table.
Tesis (Magíster en Gestión de la Actividad Física y Deportiva)
Palabras clave
Educación Física, Enseñanza Básica, Chile, Vitacura, Percepción