Una concepción currícular por competencia, como diseño para la formación de la personalidad del estudiante
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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La educación actual requiere de adaptaciones curriculares consistentes.
Esto debe resolver de manera efectiva los problemas educativos que presenta la
sociedad. Según Martiniano Román, se requiere refundar la escuela a partir de su
contexto interno, es decir, considerando todo el quehacer propio de una escuela. A
raíz de lo mencionado, surge la necesidad de elaborar una concepción de
currículum que aporte a las necesidades y requerimientos de la sociedad del siglo
XXI (sociedad del conocimiento), atribuyéndole la importancia que posee este en
la calidad educativa nacional. En la elaboración de dicha concepción se ha
considerado con preponderancia, la necesidad de elaborar un currículum por
competencia que contribuya en la confección de un diseño curricular para la
formación integral del ser humano. Este diseño debe ser un aporte para el ámbito
educativo nacional.
Current education requires consistent curricular adaptations. This must effectively solve the educational problems that society presents. According to Martiniano Román, it is necessary to refound the school from its internal context, that is, considering all the tasks of a school. As a result of the aforementioned, there is a need to elaborate a curriculum concept that contributes to the needs and requirements of 21st century society (knowledge society), attributing the importance of this in the national educational quality. In the elaboration of this conception, it has been considered with preponderance, the need to elaborate a curriculum by competence that contributes in the elaboration of a curricular design for the integral formation of the human being. This design must be a contribution for the national educational environment.
Current education requires consistent curricular adaptations. This must effectively solve the educational problems that society presents. According to Martiniano Román, it is necessary to refound the school from its internal context, that is, considering all the tasks of a school. As a result of the aforementioned, there is a need to elaborate a curriculum concept that contributes to the needs and requirements of 21st century society (knowledge society), attributing the importance of this in the national educational quality. In the elaboration of this conception, it has been considered with preponderance, the need to elaborate a curriculum by competence that contributes in the elaboration of a curricular design for the integral formation of the human being. This design must be a contribution for the national educational environment.
Informe de Investigación (Magíster en Gestión Pedagógica y Curricular)
Palabras clave
Diseño Curricular