Análisis de métodos para estimar el potencial de licuefacción en sismos de subducción de gran magnitud
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Este estudio surge como respuesta a la realidad sísmica chilena cuya problemática en la
ingeniería geotécnica relacionado al fenómeno de licuefacción de suelos durante sismos
genera incertidumbre al momento de evaluar si un sitio es potencialmente licuable y
cuáles serían sus efectos, actualmente no existe una norma en Chile que regule de
manera estandarizada este comportamiento. Se realizó este estudio en terrenos de
campo libre realizando una extensa búsqueda bibliográfica, se utilizó una base de datos
tomando en consideración el sismo del Maule del año 2010 el cual contaba con resultados
de ensayos de tipo SPT, CPT y Vs. Se consideraron 14 casos de estudio realizando una
comparación de los resultados obtenidos con los que entregaba el estudio seleccionado.
El objetivo de este estudio consistió en analizar la estimación del potencial de licuefacción
de los suelos mediante métodos tradicionales y alternativos, para los tradicionales se
estudiaron las propuestas de Youd et al. (2001), Cetin et al. (2004a), Boulanger et al.
(2014) y para los métodos alternativos se analizaron las propuestas de Cetin et al.
(2009a), Rodríguez-Arriaga y Green, (2018), Idriss y Boulanger (2008).
De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos los métodos alternativos demostraron una
precisión ligeramente superior (81.8%) en comparación con los métodos tradicionales
(78.6%) en la identificación de licuefacción, los métodos tradicionales exhibieron una
mayor exactitud (78.6% frente a 71.4%), lo que indica una menor tasa de errores en la
estimación del potencial de licuefacción, lo que refuerza la importancia de equilibrar
precisión y exactitud en las evaluaciones, una alta precisión en las mediciones garantiza
la minimización de errores y la exactitud asegura que los resultados sean confiables y las
decisiones basadas en ellos sean correctas.
Es necesario conocer aquellos métodos investigados en los últimos años que estimen el
potencial de licuefacción con técnicas diferentes que puedan ser de apoyo a la realidad
chilena, para esto se requiere de nuevos estudios que permiten aplicar diferentes
métodos de predicción para sismos de gran magnitud superiores a 𝑀𝑤8.0.
This study arises in response to the Chilean seismic reality, whose problems in geotechnical engineering related to the phenomenon of soil liquefaction during earthquakes generate uncertainty when evaluating whether a site is potentially liquefiable and what its effects would be. Currently, there is no standard in Chile. that regulates this behavior in a standardized way. This study was carried out in free field terrain, carrying out an extensive bibliographic search, a database was used taking into consideration the Maule earthquake of 2010, which had results of SPT, CPT and Vs type tests. 14 cases were considered. of study making a comparison of the results obtained with those delivered by the selected study. The objective of this study was to analyze the estimation of the liquefaction potential of soils using traditional and alternative methods. For traditional methods, the proposals of Youd et al. were studied. (2001), Cetin et al. (2004a), Boulanger et al. (2014) and for the alternative methods the proposals of Cetin et al. (2009a), Rodríguez-Arriaga and Green, (2018), Idriss and Boulanger (2008). According to the results obtained, the alternative methods demonstrated a slightly higher precision (81.8%) compared to the traditional methods (78.6%) in the identification of liquefaction, the traditional methods exhibited a greater accuracy (78.6% versus 71.4%), indicating a lower error rate in the estimation of liquefaction potential, reinforcing the importance of balancing precision and accuracy in evaluations, high precision in measurements ensures minimization of errors and accuracy ensures that results are reliable and the decisions based on them are correct. It is necessary to know those methods investigated in recent years that estimate the liquefaction potential with different techniques that can be of support to the Chilean reality. For this, new studies are required that allow applying different prediction methods for large earthquakes greater than 𝑀𝑤 8.0.
This study arises in response to the Chilean seismic reality, whose problems in geotechnical engineering related to the phenomenon of soil liquefaction during earthquakes generate uncertainty when evaluating whether a site is potentially liquefiable and what its effects would be. Currently, there is no standard in Chile. that regulates this behavior in a standardized way. This study was carried out in free field terrain, carrying out an extensive bibliographic search, a database was used taking into consideration the Maule earthquake of 2010, which had results of SPT, CPT and Vs type tests. 14 cases were considered. of study making a comparison of the results obtained with those delivered by the selected study. The objective of this study was to analyze the estimation of the liquefaction potential of soils using traditional and alternative methods. For traditional methods, the proposals of Youd et al. were studied. (2001), Cetin et al. (2004a), Boulanger et al. (2014) and for the alternative methods the proposals of Cetin et al. (2009a), Rodríguez-Arriaga and Green, (2018), Idriss and Boulanger (2008). According to the results obtained, the alternative methods demonstrated a slightly higher precision (81.8%) compared to the traditional methods (78.6%) in the identification of liquefaction, the traditional methods exhibited a greater accuracy (78.6% versus 71.4%), indicating a lower error rate in the estimation of liquefaction potential, reinforcing the importance of balancing precision and accuracy in evaluations, high precision in measurements ensures minimization of errors and accuracy ensures that results are reliable and the decisions based on them are correct. It is necessary to know those methods investigated in recent years that estimate the liquefaction potential with different techniques that can be of support to the Chilean reality. For this, new studies are required that allow applying different prediction methods for large earthquakes greater than 𝑀𝑤 8.0.
Tesis (Ingeniero Civil)
Palabras clave
Licuefacción de Suelos, Zonas de Subducción, Terremotos