Las razones de un destierro: a propĆ³sito de las acusaciones de Alexandra von Teuffenbach contra el fundador de Schoenstatt
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El objetivo de este trabajo es problematizar la lectura que Alexandra von Teuffenbach ha hecho sobre el actuar del sacerdote alemĆ”n Joseph Kentenich, a quien denuncia por haber cometido abuso de poder, abuso espiritual y emocional contra un grupo de Hermanas de MarĆa en los aƱos 50. De acuerdo con la investigadora, una revisiĆ³n de los expedientes vaticanos darĆa cuenta de que la razĆ³n por la que Kentenich habrĆa sufrido un exilio durante 14 aƱos fuera de Schƶnstatt, corresponderĆa a una medida del visitador pontificio, el jesuita neerlandĆ©s Sebastian Tromp, para proteger a la comunidad de mujeres consagradas contra su abusador. El propĆ³sito de este artĆculo es mostrar que la cuestiĆ³n juzgada por el Santo Oficio se mueve en otro plano, el que se debiese abordar desde una hermenĆ©utica mĆ”s objetiva que haga justicia a las palabras utilizadas en los documentos oficiales, asĆ como a las mismas expresiones emitidas por el encargado de la visitaciĆ³n. En esa lĆnea, se analiza en este trabajo la crĆtica dirigida por Tromp a la espiritualidad de Schoenstatt y de su fundador por falso misticismo, falso culto personal y falsa direcciĆ³n espiritual. Para este trabajo se ha utilizado la reciente ediciĆ³n de los informes apostĆ³licos publicados por Patris Verlag, archivos sobre los que sĆ³lo recientemente se ha levantado su embargo como parte de los documentos del pontificado de PĆo XII.
The aim of this paper is to problematize Alexandra von Teuffenbachās reading of the Vaticanās accusations against Joseph Kentenich, a German priest and the founder of the Schoenstatt Apostolic Movement, denounced for having committed abuse of power and spiritual and emotional abuse against a group of Sisters of Mary in the 1950s. According to Teuffenbach, reviewing the Vatican documents reveals that the reason for Kentenichās fourteen-year exile from Europe was a measure adopted by the papal consultant, the Dutch Jesuit Sebastian Tromp, to protect the community of consecrated women against their abuser. The purpose of this article is to show that the matter judged by the Holy Office unfolds on a more complex level, one that should be approached from a hermeneutic that does justice to the words used in the official documents as well as to the statements issued by the papal representative. Along these lines, this work analyzes Trompās critique of the spirituality of Schoenstatt and its founder, both accused of false mysticism, false individual worship and false spiritual direction. The recent edition of apostolic reports published by Patris Verlagāfiles which were only released in 2020 as part of the documents of the pontificate of Pius XIIāhas been used for this research. Ā© 2023. All Rights Reserved. Author keywords abuso espiritual; Alexandra von Teuffenbach; Alexandra von Teuffenbach; false mysticism; falso misticismo; Josef Kentenich; Josef Kentenich; Movimiento ApostĆ³lico de Schoenstatt; Schoenstatt Apostolic Movement; Sebastian Tromp; SebastiĆ”n Tromp; spiritual abuse
The aim of this paper is to problematize Alexandra von Teuffenbachās reading of the Vaticanās accusations against Joseph Kentenich, a German priest and the founder of the Schoenstatt Apostolic Movement, denounced for having committed abuse of power and spiritual and emotional abuse against a group of Sisters of Mary in the 1950s. According to Teuffenbach, reviewing the Vatican documents reveals that the reason for Kentenichās fourteen-year exile from Europe was a measure adopted by the papal consultant, the Dutch Jesuit Sebastian Tromp, to protect the community of consecrated women against their abuser. The purpose of this article is to show that the matter judged by the Holy Office unfolds on a more complex level, one that should be approached from a hermeneutic that does justice to the words used in the official documents as well as to the statements issued by the papal representative. Along these lines, this work analyzes Trompās critique of the spirituality of Schoenstatt and its founder, both accused of false mysticism, false individual worship and false spiritual direction. The recent edition of apostolic reports published by Patris Verlagāfiles which were only released in 2020 as part of the documents of the pontificate of Pius XIIāhas been used for this research. Ā© 2023. All Rights Reserved. Author keywords abuso espiritual; Alexandra von Teuffenbach; Alexandra von Teuffenbach; false mysticism; falso misticismo; Josef Kentenich; Josef Kentenich; Movimiento ApostĆ³lico de Schoenstatt; Schoenstatt Apostolic Movement; Sebastian Tromp; SebastiĆ”n Tromp; spiritual abuse
IndexaciĆ³n: Scopus
Palabras clave
Abuso Espiritual, Alexandra von Teuffenbach, Falso Misticismo, Josef Kentenich, Movimiento ApostĆ³lico de Schoenstatt, Sebastian Tromp
Teologia y Vida. Volume 64, Issue 2, Pages 195 - 221. 2023