Belmar Menanteau, Catalina
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Universidad AndrƩs Bello
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El presente trabajo de investigaciĆ³n titulado āUtilizaciĆ³n de asistencia canina en el manejo de ansiedad y estrĆ©s en pacientes odontopediĆ”tricos: revisiĆ³n sistemĆ”tica exploratoriaā, realizada en Santiago de Chile, durante el aƱo 2022. El cual tiene como objetivo investigar sobre la evidencia cientĆfica de la utilizaciĆ³n de la terapia asistida con animales en el Ć”rea de la odontopediatrĆa, ademĆ”s de indagar en quĆ© consiste esta terapia y su efectividad al momento de implementarla en los niƱos como ayuda a controlar la ansiedad y miedo. Para esta investigaciĆ³n se revisĆ³ la literatura de los Ćŗltimos 10 aƱos disponible en las bases de datos de Pubmed, Scielo, Scopus, Cochrane y WoS, donde en un total de 161 estudios, 10 artĆculos fueron incluidos en esta revisiĆ³n.
Se entiende por intervenciones asistidas con perros (IAP) la incorporaciĆ³n intencionada de un can en la atenciĆ³n, el cual posee un entrenamiento determinado y un temperamento especĆfico, provocando facilitar el entorno terapĆ©utico, de esta forma se logra alcanzar ciertos objetivos planteados por algĆŗn profesional de la salud. El objetivo principal de las IAP en los niƱos es lograr mejoras en el funcionamiento social, emocional y cognitivo, se ha demostrado que dicha terapia en la atenciĆ³n dental disminuye la ansiedad del paciente.
Para el manejo de ansiedad y miedo en la clĆnica odontolĆ³gica la terapia asistida con animales cada vez estĆ” siendo mĆ”s utilizada en el campo odontolĆ³gico, ya que la elecciĆ³n de este tratamiento ha sido efectivo en el manejo de la ansiedad y el miedo en pacientes pediĆ”tricos, donde el perro es un elemento facilitador a la hora de hacer un tratamiento dental.
The present research work entitled "Use of canine assistance in the management of anxiety and stress in pediatric dentistry patients", corresponds to an exploratory systematic review carried out in Santiago de Chile, during the year 2022. Which aims to investigate the scientific evidence of the use of animal-assisted therapy in the area of pediatric dentistry, in addition to investigating what this therapy consists of and its effectiveness when implementing it in children as it helps to control anxiety and fear. For this research, the literature of the last 10 years available in the Pubmed, Scielo, Scopus, Cochrane databases was reviewed, where in a total of X Studies, X articles were included in this review. Dog-assisted emergency (IAP) is understood as the intentional incorporation of a dog in care, which has a certain training and a specific temperament, causing the therapeutic environment to be facilitated, in this way it is possible to achieve certain objectives set by a professional of health. The main objective of IAP in children is to achieve improvements in social, emotional, and cognitive functioning, it has been shown that such therapy in dental care decreases patient anxiety. For the management of anxiety and fear in the dental clinic, animal-assisted therapy is increasingly being used in the dental field since the choice of this treatment has been effective in managing anxiety and fear in pediatric patients. where the dog is a facilitator when it comes to dental treatment.
The present research work entitled "Use of canine assistance in the management of anxiety and stress in pediatric dentistry patients", corresponds to an exploratory systematic review carried out in Santiago de Chile, during the year 2022. Which aims to investigate the scientific evidence of the use of animal-assisted therapy in the area of pediatric dentistry, in addition to investigating what this therapy consists of and its effectiveness when implementing it in children as it helps to control anxiety and fear. For this research, the literature of the last 10 years available in the Pubmed, Scielo, Scopus, Cochrane databases was reviewed, where in a total of X Studies, X articles were included in this review. Dog-assisted emergency (IAP) is understood as the intentional incorporation of a dog in care, which has a certain training and a specific temperament, causing the therapeutic environment to be facilitated, in this way it is possible to achieve certain objectives set by a professional of health. The main objective of IAP in children is to achieve improvements in social, emotional, and cognitive functioning, it has been shown that such therapy in dental care decreases patient anxiety. For the management of anxiety and fear in the dental clinic, animal-assisted therapy is increasingly being used in the dental field since the choice of this treatment has been effective in managing anxiety and fear in pediatric patients. where the dog is a facilitator when it comes to dental treatment.
Tesis (Cirujano Dentista)
Palabras clave
OdontologĆa PediĆ”trica, AtenciĆ³n Dental para NiƱos, TĆ©cnica, EstrĆ©s, PrevenciĆ³n y Control, Investigaciones.