Estudio descriptivo de interacciones entre educadora y niños(as), que asisten al nivel transición I del Jardín Infantil y Sala Cuna "Pinocho" de JUNJI.
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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En la presente Tesis buscamos describir y analizar los fenómenos y sucesos
que transcurren en el Aula Educativa de Transición I, más específicamente, las
interacciones que realiza la Educadora con los párvulos en cuestión, para
potenciar su Desarrollo socioemocional, considerando la importancia que tienen
las Emociones para la formación integral del individuo, especialmente en los
niños/as quienes se están formando como futuros escolares y personas, y de
manera más significativa en aquellos párvulos que viven en vulnerabilidad
social, ya que al desenvolverse en un contexto de pobreza se encuentran
expuestos a más factores de riesgo que influyen en aspectos afectivos, sociales
y emocionales de su vida, dificultando así su proceso de desarrollo integral.
In the following Thesis we seek to describe and analyze the phenomena and events that take place in the Educative classroom of Level Transition 1, more specifically, the interactions between the Educator and the Children in matter, that harness their social - Emotional Development, considering the importance that emotions have in the full or integral formation of the individuals, specially in children that are forming themselves into future students, and more importantly into persons. And in a more significant way, in those that live in social vulnerability, because to develop in the context of poverty means to be more exposed to risk factors that influence in their affective, social and emotional life, making difficult their process of integral development.
In the following Thesis we seek to describe and analyze the phenomena and events that take place in the Educative classroom of Level Transition 1, more specifically, the interactions between the Educator and the Children in matter, that harness their social - Emotional Development, considering the importance that emotions have in the full or integral formation of the individuals, specially in children that are forming themselves into future students, and more importantly into persons. And in a more significant way, in those that live in social vulnerability, because to develop in the context of poverty means to be more exposed to risk factors that influence in their affective, social and emotional life, making difficult their process of integral development.
Tesis (Educación Parvularia, Licenciado en Educación)
Palabras clave
Relaciones Maestro-Estudiante, Análisis del Proceso de Interacción en Educación