Asistente guía para un videojuego que ayude en la pedagogía en física
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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La pedagogía siempre está en constante cambio, ya que todos aprendemos de
formas distintas, lo cual, puede complicar tanto a los docentes como a los
estudiantes la forma de enseñar y aprender los conceptos, enfocado en la
asignatura de física, visualizar ciertos conceptos es bastante complejo, con lo que
se ha planteado utilizar la tecnología actual para poder brindar otra herramienta para
que los estudiantes puedan complementar su estudio, en este caso, un videojuego
de conceptos físicos que incluye a un asistente guía que los acompañará en su
Aplicando la metodología Scrum se realizaron prototipos del asistente y se
entregaron a los usuarios de prueba para recibir su feedback, una vez entregado el
feedback se realizaron iteraciones modificando al asistente para abarcar posibles
formas de estudio, así pudiendo ayudar a la mayoría de los usuarios.
Pedagogy is constantly changing since we all learn in different ways, which can complicate both teachers and students approaches to teaching and learning concepts. Focusing on physics, visualizing certain concepts can be quite complex. Therefore, there has been a proposal to use current technology to provide another tool for students to complement their studies. In this case, a video game featuring physics concepts, including a guiding assistant, has been developed. Applying the Scrum methodology, prototypes of the assistant were created and delivered to test users for feedback. Once the feedback was received, iterations were made to modify the assistant to encompass various study methods, thereby assisting many users.
Pedagogy is constantly changing since we all learn in different ways, which can complicate both teachers and students approaches to teaching and learning concepts. Focusing on physics, visualizing certain concepts can be quite complex. Therefore, there has been a proposal to use current technology to provide another tool for students to complement their studies. In this case, a video game featuring physics concepts, including a guiding assistant, has been developed. Applying the Scrum methodology, prototypes of the assistant were created and delivered to test users for feedback. Once the feedback was received, iterations were made to modify the assistant to encompass various study methods, thereby assisting many users.
Proyecto de título (Ingeniero Civil Informático)
Palabras clave
Videojuegos, Juegos Educativos, Física, Enseñanza