UtilizaciĆ³n de drones y reconocimiento de imagen para determinar avance de obra gruesa
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Universidad AndrƩs Bello
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Licencia CC
Licencia CC
Este trabajo de titulaciĆ³n tiene por objetivo principal describir el uso de drones para
registrar avances en obras mediante el procesamiento de imƔgenes con un modelo
tridimensional. La idea temƔtica se enmarca en la necesidad de mejorar el control de
avance en faenas constructivas con uso de tecnologĆas innovadoras para asegurar el
cumplimiento de las metas propuestas en la programaciĆ³n de la obra, segĆŗn tiempos y
costos asociados.
La metodologĆa propuesta consta de tres etapas: a) obtenciĆ³n de imĆ”genes
mediante el uso de dron, b) procesamiento de imĆ”genes y c) la cuantificaciĆ³n del avance
de obra gruesa. Para el procesamiento de imĆ”genes se manejĆ³ la tĆ©cnica de
fotogrametrĆa con aplicaciĆ³n del software Agisoft Metashape para obtener informaciĆ³n a
partir de la nube de puntos enlazada con un modelo BIM. Posteriormente, ambos modelos
independientes se unificaron mediante el software Navisworks, el cual detecta los
elementos construidos mediante entre ambos modelos. Junto con lo anterior, se generĆ³
un segundo modelamiento con metodologĆa BIM para contener tanto el proceso
constructivo como la planificaciĆ³n del proyecto. Finalmente, con un modelo unificado fue
posible cuantificar el avance de obra gruesa en base a la ādetecciĆ³n de interferenciasā.
De la experimentaciĆ³n con las metodologĆas de prueba en el proyecto se obtuvo
que dicho modelamiento puede ser desarrollado en un tiempo mƔximo de 3 horas. En
cuanto a la confiabilidad de los datos se obtiene que los datos son precisos y confiables,
por tanto, se valida la viabilidad de la metodologĆa propuesta. AdemĆ”s, se identificĆ³ como
valor adicional a la propuesta metodolĆ³gica principal que la toma de fotografĆas a partir
de un dron otorga informaciĆ³n valiosa para los profesionales en obra, especialmente en
torno al avance de obras gruesas, visualizaciĆ³n y vigilancia respecto del uso de
elementos de protecciĆ³n personal en trabajadores, ademĆ”s de antecedentes con relaciĆ³n
al orden general de la obra, equipos de trabajo, circulaciĆ³n de automĆ³viles e informar con
mejor precisiĆ³n el estado de avance de manera mĆ”s visual, entre otras.
The main objective of this degree work is to describe the use of drones to record progress in works by processing images with a three-dimensional model. The thematic idea is framed in the need to improve the control of progress in construction works with the use of innovative technologies to ensure the fulfillment of the goals proposed in the work scheduling, according to times and associated costs. The proposed methodology consists of three stages: a) obtaining images using a drone, b) image processing and c) quantifying the progress of thick work. For the image processing, the photogrammetry technique with the Agisoft Metashape software application was used to obtain information from the point cloud linked to a BIM model. Later, both independent models were unified using the Navisworks software, which detects the elements built through between the two models. Along with the above, a second modeling with BIM methodology was generated to contain both the construction process and the project planning. Finally, with a unified model it was possible to quantify the progress of thick work based on the "detection of interferences". From the experimentation with the test methodologies in the project, it was obtained that said modeling can be developed in a maximum time of 3 hours. Regarding the reliability of the data, it is obtained that the data is accurate and reliable, therefore, the viability of the proposed methodology is validated. In addition, it was identified as an additional value to the main methodological proposal that the taking of photographs from a drone provides valuable information for professionals on site, especially regarding the progress of thick works, visualization and surveillance regarding the use of protection elements personnel in workers, in addition to antecedents in relation to the general order of the work, work teams, movement of cars and inform with better precision the state of progress in a more visual way, among others.
The main objective of this degree work is to describe the use of drones to record progress in works by processing images with a three-dimensional model. The thematic idea is framed in the need to improve the control of progress in construction works with the use of innovative technologies to ensure the fulfillment of the goals proposed in the work scheduling, according to times and associated costs. The proposed methodology consists of three stages: a) obtaining images using a drone, b) image processing and c) quantifying the progress of thick work. For the image processing, the photogrammetry technique with the Agisoft Metashape software application was used to obtain information from the point cloud linked to a BIM model. Later, both independent models were unified using the Navisworks software, which detects the elements built through between the two models. Along with the above, a second modeling with BIM methodology was generated to contain both the construction process and the project planning. Finally, with a unified model it was possible to quantify the progress of thick work based on the "detection of interferences". From the experimentation with the test methodologies in the project, it was obtained that said modeling can be developed in a maximum time of 3 hours. Regarding the reliability of the data, it is obtained that the data is accurate and reliable, therefore, the viability of the proposed methodology is validated. In addition, it was identified as an additional value to the main methodological proposal that the taking of photographs from a drone provides valuable information for professionals on site, especially regarding the progress of thick works, visualization and surveillance regarding the use of protection elements personnel in workers, in addition to antecedents in relation to the general order of the work, work teams, movement of cars and inform with better precision the state of progress in a more visual way, among others.
Memoria (Ingeniero Civil)
Palabras clave
ConstrucciĆ³n, Innovaciones TecnolĆ³gicas, Drones, FormaciĆ³n de ImĆ”genes Tridimensionales