Susceptabilidad a la remoción en masa y factores condicionantes en el borde costero de Concón y Viña del Mar
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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En este trabajo se identifican y analizan aquellos factores condicionantes de remociones en masa en el borde costero de las comunas de Concón y Viña del Mar y se cuantifica la susceptibilidad de los taludes ante estos eventos.
En la zona se reconocen principalmente rocas intrusivas y depósitos eólicos antiguos (paleodunas), las que son analizadas de manera distintiva con cada una de sus características geológicas-geotectónicas asociándolas a cada tipo de remoción en masa (caída de roca, deslizamientos rotacionales y superficiales de suelo).
En este trabajo (1) se determinan los factores condicionantes (geomorfología, geotecnia, intervención antrópica, antecedentes, clima y vegetación) y desencadenantes (precipitaciones, sismos e intervención antrópica) de remociones en masa en base a bibliografía y antecedentes de la zona de estudio, (2) los cuales posteriormente son identificados en terreno y analizados, obteniendo grados de influencia de cada uno de estos factores en la susceptibilidad de los taludes del borde costero a sufrir remociones en masa, resultando la intervención antrópica y la geomorfología los principales agentes condicionantes para el borde costero en estudio. Por último, la susceptibilidad es cuantificada en base a los criterios geológicos–geotécnicos propuestos en la metodología de Muñoz (2013), que consiste en tablas ponderadoras que arrojan un Índice de Susceptibilidad (IS) para cada unidad de análisis, indicando el grado de susceptibilidad de las laderas a sufrir remociones en masa, resultando que el borde costero es altamente susceptible, ya sea para eventos del tipo caída de rocas como también para deslizamientos rotacionales y superficiales de suelo.
This document presents those conditioning factors of mass removals on the coastal edge of the communes of Concon and Vina del Mar are identified and analyzed, and the susceptibility of the slopes to these events is quantified. In the area, intrusive rocks and ancient eolian deposits (paleodunes) are mainly recognized, which are analyzed in a distinctive way with each of their geological-geotectonic feautures, associating them with each type of mass removal (rock fall, rotational and surface landslides). In this file (1) the conditioning factors (geomorphology, geotechnics, human intervention, background, climate and vegetation) and triggers (precipitations, earthquakes and human intervention) of mass removals are determined based on bibliography and background of the studied area, (2) which are later identified in the field and analyzed, obtaining degrees of influence of each of these factors on the susceptibility of the slopes of the coastal edge to suffer mass removals, resulting in human intervention and geomorphology as the main conditioning agents for the coastline under study. Finally, susceptibility is quantified based on the geological-geotechnical criteria proposed in the Munoz (2013) methodology, which consists of weighting tables that yield a Susceptibility Index (IS) for each unit of analysis, indicating the degree of susceptibility of the slopes to suffer mass removals, resulting in the coastline being highly susceptible, either to rockfall-type events as well as rotational and surface landslides.
This document presents those conditioning factors of mass removals on the coastal edge of the communes of Concon and Vina del Mar are identified and analyzed, and the susceptibility of the slopes to these events is quantified. In the area, intrusive rocks and ancient eolian deposits (paleodunes) are mainly recognized, which are analyzed in a distinctive way with each of their geological-geotectonic feautures, associating them with each type of mass removal (rock fall, rotational and surface landslides). In this file (1) the conditioning factors (geomorphology, geotechnics, human intervention, background, climate and vegetation) and triggers (precipitations, earthquakes and human intervention) of mass removals are determined based on bibliography and background of the studied area, (2) which are later identified in the field and analyzed, obtaining degrees of influence of each of these factors on the susceptibility of the slopes of the coastal edge to suffer mass removals, resulting in human intervention and geomorphology as the main conditioning agents for the coastline under study. Finally, susceptibility is quantified based on the geological-geotechnical criteria proposed in the Munoz (2013) methodology, which consists of weighting tables that yield a Susceptibility Index (IS) for each unit of analysis, indicating the degree of susceptibility of the slopes to suffer mass removals, resulting in the coastline being highly susceptible, either to rockfall-type events as well as rotational and surface landslides.
Tesis (Geólogo)
Palabras clave
Taludes Rocosos, Susceptibilidad de Remoción en Masa, Mécanica de Suelos, Evaluación y estabilidad, Costas Chilenas