Danza Tradicional Chilena PorteƱa y El Desarrollo de la OrientaciĆ³n Espacial en Alumnos NB4
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Universidad AndrƩs Bello
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El estudio que se presenta a continuaciĆ³n tiene como objetivo, investigar si la
danza tradicional Chilena "PorteƱa", desarrolla la orientaciĆ³n espacial en
estudiantes de NB4. Lo relevante de este estudio es utilizar esta danza,
como una herramienta pedagĆ³gica en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes,
esperando dar una utilidad a la danza folklĆ³rica como facilitador de la
concentraciĆ³n, memoria rĆtmico- auditiva, dominio del cuerpo, la vivencia de
la mĆŗsica y por sobre todo a la orientaciĆ³n espacial. Enfatizando en el
estudio el desarrollo de la orientaciĆ³n espacial a travĆ©s de la prĆ”ctica de la
"PorteƱa" se incorporan aspectos que son relevantes en el desarrollo de los
alumnos de NB4. Esta investigaciĆ³n se enmarca en un estudio Cuasiexperimental
teniendo un diseƱo experimental con un enfoque cuantitativo. A
travƩs de un pre y post test y clases sistemƔticas de 8 sesiones, para medir
(cuantificar) la evoluciĆ³n de la ubicaciĆ³n espacial a travĆ©s de esta danza
folklĆ³rica. Este grupo de estudio estĆ” compuesto por 28 alumnas del 6Ā° aƱo
C de la Escuela RepĆŗblica del Ecuador de la ciudad de ViƱa del Mar. El
grupo control estĆ” conformado por alumnas de la misma edad etaria, estas
asistieron a clases sistemĆ”ticas de EducaciĆ³n FĆsica 1 vez por semana
siendo la primera clase un pre test y la Ćŗltima clase un post test de
orientaciĆ³n espacial. Esperando determinar con esto resultados y cambios
positivos en el desarrollo de la orientaciĆ³n espacial.
The study presented below aims to investigate whether the traditional Chilean dance "PorteƱa" spatial orientation develops in NB4 students. The relevance of this study is to use this dance as an educational tool in the learning of students, hoping to give a useful facilitator folk dance as the concentration, memory, auditory rhythmic, body control, the experience of music and spatial orientation. Emphasizing development in the study of spatial orientation through the practice of "PorteƱa" incorporates aspects that are relevant in the development of students NB4. This research is part of a quasi-experimental study considering experimental design with a quantitative approach. Through a pre and post test and systematic classes 8 sessions, to measure (quantify) the evolution of the spatial location through this folk dance. This study group consists of 28 students of the 6th year C School of Ecuador city of ViƱa del Mar. The control group consists of students of the same age etary, these systematic attended PE classes 1 time per week being the first class a pre test and a post test orientation. Hoping that determine results and positive changes in the development of spatial orientation.
The study presented below aims to investigate whether the traditional Chilean dance "PorteƱa" spatial orientation develops in NB4 students. The relevance of this study is to use this dance as an educational tool in the learning of students, hoping to give a useful facilitator folk dance as the concentration, memory, auditory rhythmic, body control, the experience of music and spatial orientation. Emphasizing development in the study of spatial orientation through the practice of "PorteƱa" incorporates aspects that are relevant in the development of students NB4. This research is part of a quasi-experimental study considering experimental design with a quantitative approach. Through a pre and post test and systematic classes 8 sessions, to measure (quantify) the evolution of the spatial location through this folk dance. This study group consists of 28 students of the 6th year C School of Ecuador city of ViƱa del Mar. The control group consists of students of the same age etary, these systematic attended PE classes 1 time per week being the first class a pre test and a post test orientation. Hoping that determine results and positive changes in the development of spatial orientation.
Tesis (Profesor de EducaciĆ³n FĆsica para la EducaciĆ³n General BĆ”sica, Licenciado en EducaciĆ³n)
Palabras clave
PercepciĆ³n Espacial en NiƱos, Danzas FolklĆ³ricas Chilenas, EducaciĆ³n FĆsica, Chile