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Ítem La falta de un adecuado reconocimiento de las capacidades existentes afecta el desarrollo científico en Chile(Sociedad de Biología de Chile, 2003) Krauskopf, ManuelUna vez más hemos logrado avanzar en el posicionamiento de Biological Research.En efecto, la reciente edición del Journal of Citation Reports del ISI informa que el Factor de Impacto de la revista para el año 2002 superó en forma significativa al alcanzado el año anterior (1). El valor ahora obtenido _1,444_ nos ubica en el lugar 20 en Biología de un total de 62 revistas registradas en el contexto de este campo disciplinario. El ranking 2002 en Biología está liderado por Bioessays (impacto 7,888). Le sigue FASEB J con un impacto de 7,252. El año 2001 Biological Research tuvo un impacto de 1,154 (1), frente al 0,680 de 2000 y al 0,490 de 1999.Ítem Human management by competencies in competitive and complex scenarios: A reflective theoretical approach(Elsevier, 2003) Ramírez, R.; Monsalve, L.; Villalobos, J.; Lay, N.; Severino-González, P.; Báez, D.Human management is interpreted by competencies in competitive and complex scenarios. According to the documentary review of disciplinary, classic and current research; with a reflective theoretical approach using hermeneutics. The findings show the reinvention of the human being, adapting to turbulent changes in the environment, where the skills of talent get in the way to take on global challenges, associated with sustainability, in the face of the era of the new normal, where everything seems to be stable, but the dynamics of life manifests the detriment of resources and capacities of the world, limiting the living being, responding and challenging market requirements.Ítem Estudio comparativo del efecto de las asociaciones anestésicas atropina-tiletamina/ zolazepam y atropina-ketamina/diazepam en emúes (Dromaius novaehollandiae) adultos(Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad Austral de Chile, 2009) Pulgar, R; Coleccioa, G; Aldanab, M; Pulgar, JSUMMARY In this study, the effects of the anaesthetic associations atropine IM (0.05 mg/kg)-tiletamine/zolazepam IV (4 mg/kg total) and atropine IM (0.05 mg/kg)-ketamine IV (5 mg/kg total)/diazepam (0.5 mg/kg) on physiological, anaesthetic and biochemical responses were determined on adult emus. Animals (n = 7 per group) were randomly assigned to the two anaesthetic associations. Variables were measured at baseline, during surgical plane and during 30 min of observation. Heart rate and temperature increased at the beginning of the experimental period (between 5-10 min, P = 0.001), while respiratory frequency and pulse decreased (between 5-15 min, P = 0.003). These patterns were detected with both anaesthetic associations. Anaesthetic induction and recuperation time were not affected by treatments (P = 0.12 and P = 0.13 respectively). Emus treated with tiletamine showed a greater anaesthetic time than emus treated with ketamine (P = 0.012). Significant increases in A.S.T. and glucose were observed at 24 h post application of anaesthetic associations, resulting higher in ketamine emus (P = 0.006 and P = 0.008 respectively). Finally, there were no significant differences between anaesthetic treatments for haemoglobin, total proteins and uric acid (P = 0.99, P = 0.97 and P = 0.81 respectively). In conclusion, atropine-tiletamine/zolazepam and atropine-ketamine/diazepam protocols resulted safe and efficient for animal manipulation, however the greater anaesthetic time observed in tiletamine-treated animals may determine preference for this anaesthetic combination. Key words: emus, anaesthetic, tiletamine, ketamine. RESUMEN En el presente estudio se determinó el efecto de las asociaciones anestésicas atropina IM (0,05 mg/kg)-tiletamina/zolazepam EV (4 mg/kg total) y atropina IM (0,05 mg/kg-ketamina EV (5 mg/kg total)/diazepam (0,5 mg/kg) sobre la respuesta fisiológica, anestésica y bioquímica de emúes adultos. Los ejemplares (n = 7 por grupo) fueron asignados al azar a dos tratamientos anestésicos. La frecuencia cardiaca y la temperatura corporal de los emúes mostraron un incremento al inicio del tratamiento experimental (entre 5-10 min, P = 0,001). Sin embargo, la frecuencia respiratoria y pulso disminuyeron (entre 5-15 min, P = 0,003). Estos patrones fueron detectados para ambas asociaciones anestésicas. Por otra parte, la inducción anestésica y el tiempo de recuperación anestésica no fueron afectados por los tratamientos (P = 0,12 y P = 0,13 respectivamente). Los emúes tratados con tiletamina mostraron un mayor tiempo de anestesia quirúrgica, comparados con los emúes tratados con ketamina (P = 0,012). En el caso de A.S.T. y glucosa, ambas variables presentaron un incremento a las 24 h de la aplicación del tratamiento anestésico, resultando los niveles de glucosa más altos en emúes tratados con ketamina (P = 0,006 y P = 0,008 respectivamente). Finalmente, la hemoglobina, proteínas totales y ácido úrico no presentaron diferencias significativas entre tratamientos (P = 0,99, P = 0,97 y P = 0,81 respectivamente). En conclusión, los dos protocolos anestésicos resultaron seguros y eficientes para la manipulación de los animales; sin embargo, el mayor tiempo de anestesia observado en animales tratados con tiletamina podría determinar la preferencia por esta asociación anestésica. Palabras clave: emú, anestesia, tiletamina, ketamina.Ítem Efectos tributarios de la tasación efectuada por el servicio de impuestos internos al precio de venta de un bien raíz enajenado por una sociedad de responsabilidad limitada(Universidad Andrés Bello, 2011) Bravo Gómez, Bárbara; Bravo Gómez, Jorge; Cabello Obrecht, Catalina; Figueroa Hormazábal, Danor; Facultad de Economía y NegociosEn esta investigación se identifica la problemática que resulta al existir una diferencia entre el precio de venta y el valor de tasación establecido por el Servicio de Impuestos Internos para un bien raíz, cuando el primero es menor al monto tasado por el citado Servicio. Esto conlieva una utilidad en la venta que tendría que considerarse como un ingreso al Fondo de Utilidades Tributables (FUT), sin perjuicio que dichas utilidades al no ser reales los socios no podrán retirarlas materialmente de la Sociedad, a pesar que estas han incrementado su FUT, al no existir un activo equivalente. Derivado de este caso, se pretende estudiar las leyes que regulan la enajenación de un bien raíz, el poder de tasación del Servicio de Impuestos Internos, en adelante e indistintamente el Servicio o el Sil, establecido en el Artículo 64 del Código Tributario y determinar qué es esta utilidad tributaria ficticia que se genera producto de la tasación en comento en un proceso de venta, y los efectos que de ésta se derivan en los socios o contribuyentes finales. Todo lo anterior en base a la normativa vigente al 30 de abril de 2011.Ítem Capital Structures in Developing Countries: The Latin American case(UNAM, Facultad de Economía, 2012) Espinosa M., Christian; Maquieira V., Carlos; Vieito, João Paulo; González A., MarceloRajan and Zingales (1995) find that tangibility, growth opportunity, size and performance are the four common determinants for explaining capital structure across G-7 countries. In this study, we consider a sample of 590 firms from Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Peru and the United States (U.S.), to analyze whether the four common determinants also explain the capital structure in the Latin American countries. Moreover, we use a different sample of companies and a large number of years for U.S. firms and we find similar results to those reported by Rajan and Zingales (1995) more than a decade ago. As expected, we report similar results for Chilean firms as the updated results for U.S. firms. The capital structure of Chilean firms is: positively related to tangible assets; negatively related to growth opportunities; positively related to size and negatively related to performance. This is not only true for book leverage but also for market leverage. The rest of Latin American countries show mixed results. In any case, we find two or three determinants to be statistically significant. However, those determinants are not the same when we use book leverage versus market leverage.Ítem Global economy(Escuela de Arquitectura de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2012-04) Frohn, M.; Rojas, M.Almost immaterial (mirrors, led bulbs and tiny motors that were barely 23 kg), this shadow gallery poses questions about the use of different resources, its scarcity and its abundance.Ítem Recruitment and selection devices in financial services companies: Exploring organizational re-production and legitimacy in Chile and the United Kingdom(Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2017) Hernández Aracena, Javier; Espinosa Cristia, Juan FelipeThe article deals with the problem of the role of ‘social’ devices at the time of producing and reproducing organizational behavior, taking the case of recruitment and selection processes in financial services organizations in Chile and the UK. Based on 42 in-depth interviews in Santiago, London and Edinburgh, and building on science and technology studies and the concept of device the article aims to understand how recruitment and election mechanisms are adopted and legitimated in organizations. Analysis suggests that recruitment and selection mechanisms connect technical and moral elements, allowing managers to deal with uncertainty and carry out organizational reproduction. However, devices in Chile and the UK differ in the modes that connect technical and moral elements. © 2017, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. All rights reserved.Ítem The relevance of market prices for the design of transfer programs in response to food insecurity(Elsevier B.V., 2017-11) De Matteis, Alessandro; Ellis, Frank; Valdes, IvanThis paper focuses on the use of market prices as discriminatory factors for the selection of strategies in response to conditions of food insecurity according to the comparative efficiency of different strategies. A classical production model has been used to define the conditions of relative advantage of different response options and to capture the effect of some contextual variables on such conditions. This type of approach can be quite useful when trying to optimise response strategy through its geographical diversification or adjustment over time. While such analytical approach reflects mainly a static cost-efficiency perspective, it can be sharpened through the partial inclusion of an effectiveness perspective. © 2017 Board of Trustees of the University of IllinoisÍtem Response rates to first-line treatment in eligible patients to autologous stem transplantation in Chile(Revista Medica de Chile, 2019) Rojas-Vallejos, Jorge; Espinoza, Marcela; Donoso, Javiera; Soto, Pablo; Cardemil, Daniela; Peña, Camila; Aranda, Sandra; Contreras, Carolina; Vergara, Carmen Gloria; Rocca, Gabriel; Osorio, Rocío; López-Vidal, HernánBackground: The treatment of choice of newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (NDMM) is an induction with proteasome inhibitors followed autologous stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Since 2013, the treatment of these patients in the public system is based on CTD (cyclophosphamide, thalidomide, and dexamethasone). Aim: To evaluate the response rates achieved with CTD, and the results of HSCT in patients with NDMM in the public setting. Material and Methods: Data from patients considered as candidates for HSCT from different centers of the National Adult Antineoplastic Drug Program (PANDA, for its acronym in Spanish), diagnosed between 2013 and 2017, was analyzed. The response to treatment of first and second lines of treatment was evaluated, in addition to the results of HSCT. An optimal Response was defined as the sum of strict complete remission, complete remission and very good partial response (sCR, CR and VGPR). Results: One hundred and seventy-seven patients were analyzed, 54% women, and 53% with IgG multiple myeloma. Information about the international staging system was retrieved in 127 patients (71%). Seventeen percent were ISS I, 22% in ISS II and 32% ISS III. CTD was used as first treatment in 106 patients (60%), and cyclophosphamide, bortezomib and dexamethasone (CyBorD) in 13 (7%). As first line, CTD had an overall response of 50.9%, and CyBorD of 76.9%. Thirty patients were treated with bortezomib as second line treatment. Forty patients (22%) underwent HSCT. The 5-year Overall Survival (OS) in transplanted patients and non-transplanted patients was 100 and 62% respectively (p < 0.01). Conclusions: The response rate achieved by CTD in these patients is suboptimal. The response to CyBorD was better.Ítem Measuring the impact of financial taxation on capital: Evidence from chilean manufacturing plants(Journal of Applied Economics, 2019) Correa, Juan A.; Lorca, Miguel; Parro, FranciscoUsing panel data from Chilean manufacturing plants, we estimate the impact of a stamp tax, levied on loans by financial institutions, on capital stock. Our results show that the tax has a statistically significant negative effect on the stock of capital. Specifically, we find that a rise of one percentage point in the financial tax rate decreases the stock of capital by about 4%. We also find that the impact on firms is heterogeneous, depending on the intensity of the different types of capital they hold. In particular, the demand for capital from firms with a higher percentage of structural assets, such as land and buildings, is relatively less affected by the tax.Ítem The persistent effect of socioeconomic status on education and labor market outcomes: Evidence from Chile’s administrative records(Emerald Group Holdings Ltd., 2019-11) Correa, Juan A.; Gutiérrez, Pablo; Lorca, Miguel; Morales, Raúl; Parro, FranciscoPurpose: This paper aims to study the effect of family socioeconomic status (SES) on academic and labor market outcomes. Design/methodology/approach: The authors used a rich data set of administrative records for test scores, individual background and adult earnings of a cohort of agents, covering a period spanning the agents' upper-secondary education and their early years in the labor market. Findings: The authors find that students with the highest SES obtained a 1.5 standard deviations higher score in the college admission test than students who had the same academic outcomes in the eighth grade test but belong to the lowest SES. Similarly, among students that obtained the same scores in the college admission test, those with the highest SES earned monthly wages 0.7 standard deviations higher than those with the lowest SES. Originality/value: The findings highlight that family socioeconomic background continues to influence outcomes during individuals’ upper secondary education and early years in the labor market. © 2019, Juan A. Correa, Pablo Gutiérrez, Miguel Lorca, Raúl Morales, Francisco Parro.Ítem Moisture origin and stable isotope characteristics of precipitation in southeast Siberia(John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2020) Kostrova, S.; Meyer, H.; Fernandoy, F.; Werner, M.; Tarasov, P.The paper presents oxygen and hydrogen isotopes of 284 precipitation event samples systematically collected in Irkutsk, in the Baikal region (southeast Siberia), between June 2011 and April 2017. This is the first high-resolution dataset of stable isotopes of precipitation from this poorly studied region of continental Asia, which has a high potential for isotope-based palaeoclimate research. The dataset revealed distinct seasonal variations: relatively high δ18O (up to −4‰) and δD (up to −40‰) values characterize summer air masses, and lighter isotope composition (−41‰ for δ18O and −322‰ for δD) is characteristic of winter precipitation. Our results show that air temperature mainly affects the isotope composition of precipitation, and no significant correlations were obtained for precipitation amount and relative humidity. A new temperature dependence was established for weighted mean monthly precipitation: +0.50‰/°C (r2 = 0.83; p <.01; n = 55) for δ18O and +3.8‰/°C (r2 = 0.83, p < 0.01; n = 55) for δD. Secondary fractionation processes (e.g., contribution of recycled moisture) were identified mainly in summer from low d excess. Backward trajectories assessed with the Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) model indicate that precipitation with the lowest mean δ18O and δD values reaches Irkutsk in winter related to moisture transport from the Arctic. Precipitation originating from the west/southwest with the heaviest mean isotope composition reaches Irkutsk in summer, thus representing moisture transport across Eurasia. Generally, moisture transport from the west, that is, the Atlantic Ocean predominates throughout the year. A comparison of our new isotope dataset with simulation results using the European Centre/Hamburg version 5 (ECHAM5)-wiso climate model reveals a good agreement of variations in δ18O (r2 = 0.87; p <.01; n = 55) and air temperature (r2 = 0.99; p <.01; n = 71). However, the ECHAM5-wiso model fails to capture observed variations in d excess (r2 = 0.14; p < 0.01; n = 55). This disagreement can be partly explained by a model deficit of capturing regional hydrological processes associated with secondary moisture supply in summer.Ítem Socioemotional wealth, entrepreneurial orientation and international performance of family firms(Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2020) Hernández-Perlines, F.; Ariza-Montes, A.; Araya-Castillo, L.This paper analyses the relationships between the socioemotional wealth, entrepreneurial orientation and international performance of family firms. This research is pioneering in that it seeks to explain the international performance of family firms from the non-economic perspective of entrepreneurial orientation determined by socioemotional wealth. Second generation structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) using SmartPLS 3.2.8 software was applied to data from 106 Spanish family firms. The study shows that considering socioemotional wealth substantially improves the capacity of entrepreneurial orientation to explain variation in the international performance of family firms. When only entrepreneurial orientation is included in the model, the explained variance of international performance is 34.2%. However, when socioemotional wealth is included in the model as an antecedent of international performance, the explained variance increases to 42.6%.Ítem When geography matters: International diversification and firm performance of spanish multinationals(SAGE Publications Inc., 2020) Mendoza, X.; Espinosa-Méndez, C.; Araya-Castillo, L.This paper studies how the nature and shape of the relationship between inter-national diversification (ID) and performance (P) may vary according to a firm’s geographical focus of internationalization. Using a sample of Spanish multinational firms for the 2004—2012 period we find an M-shaped relationship. However, significant differences are found when the different geographical foci of internationalization are considered. Strong support is found when firms adopt a regional focus (an inverted S-curve when the ID measure refers to the number of foreign countries and an M-curve when it refers to the size of the network of foreign sub-sidiaries), a biregional focus (an S-curve) and a semiglobal focus (an inverted S-curve but also an M-curve with foreign subsidiaries). These findings and their pattern suggest the critical impor-tance of the country of origin and the geographical focus of internationalization in explaining the relationship between ID—P.Ítem Measuring decent work in self-managed cooperatives: The costa rica case(Universidad del Pacífico Press, 2020) Vargas Montero, M.; Villalobos Rodríguez, G.; Araya-Castillo, L.Costa Rica has extensive experience in the development of cooperatives, which have occupied an important place in the country’s development strategies, generating a significant volume and diversity of initiatives. Historically, cooperatives have had an impact on human development through job creation and reduction of poverty and inequality. On the other hand, the concept of decent work is an integral approach to work and its promotion also means changing the way the global economy works so that its benefits reach more and more people. The objective of this article is to measure the variable of decent work in Costa Rica self-managed cooperatives.Ítem Servant Leadership, Innovative Capacity and Performance in Third Sector Entities(Frontiers Media S.A., 2020-02) Felipe Hernández, Perlines; Araya-Castillo, Luis AndrésThis paper analyses the relationship between servant leadership, innovative capacity and performance in Third Sector entities and proposes a mediation model. This research is based on a two-fold theoretical approach: the servant leadership approach and the resource-based approach. The data have been obtained through a survey sent to territorial and functional managers of Third Sector entities. The fieldwork ran from June to September 2019. At the end of the entire process, 85 valid questionnaires were obtained. For the analysis of the results, a double methodology has been used: (1) a method of second order structural equations (PLS-SEM) and, (2) qualitative comparative analysis (QCA). The main contributions of this work are: 1) a double theoretical approach has been applied in this work, which has allowed to adequately define the relationships between servant leadership, innovation capacity and performance in Third Sector entities; (2) the application of a double data analysis methodology has allowed us to obtain robust and reliable results; (3) the measures of the three composites used (servant leadership, innovative capacity and performance) have adequate reliability and validity values; (4) the servant leadership positively influences the performance of Third Sector entities being able to explain the 35.6% of the variation of the performance of these entities and besides, it is a necessary condition for this performance to take place, (5) the average innovative capacity in the influence of the servant leadership in the performance of the entities of the Third Sector, being a necessary condition. Mediation is total, eliminating the direct effect of servant leadership on the performance of third Sector entities and increasing the capacity to explain the variation in the performance of Third Sector entities up to 44.7%. © Copyright © 2020 Hernández-Perlines and Araya-Castillo.Ítem No politics, no society: Questioning the justification of entrepreneurship in chilean public policies(Fundacao Getulio Vargas, 2020-03-01) Bernasconi, Oriana; Espinosa-Cristia, Juan FelipeStudies show that the state plays a positive role in shaping conditions for entrepreneurship and promoting economic growth through entrepreneurial activity. However, the question of how state intervention in entrepreneurship is justified in neoliberal regimes has received scant attention, although it can legitimize public policies. We examine the entrepreneurial slant of the Production and Commerce Development Corporation of Chile (CORFO), which implements regulations and grants financial support to startups. Analyzing interviews with CORFO's state officials, public statements, and official documentation, we review the advent of state-led entrepreneurial policy and explore the post-dictatorial government's principles justifying current state policy. This policy relies on double de-politicization: i) divesting entrepreneurship from political affiliation and ii) propagating a meritocratic rhetoric of social and individual development, oblivious of structural inequalities. We argue that this is functional for this regime as long as it guarantees state intervention in entrepreneurship as a policy of common good. © RAE.Ítem Sustainable growth in the agro-food cooperatives of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain)(MDPI, 2020-06-01) Hernández-Perlines, Felipe; Ariza-Montes, Antonio; Araya-Castillo, LuisThe present study aims at analysing the sustainable growth in the agro-food cooperatives of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). To this end, the study examines the impact of the corporate social responsibility (hereinafter CSR) on the performance of the agro-food cooperatives. CSR is analysed based on the three dimensions suggested by the triple bottom line approach: Economic dimension, social dimension, and environmental dimension. Results are analysed using a partial least squares regression (PLS-SEM). The main contributions are as follows: (1) The measurement of the CSR through the triple bottom line approach has proven to be appropriate for the agro-food cooperatives of Castilla-la Mancha, as it presents adequate values of reliability and validity; (2) these dimensions make up the CSR, although the environmental dimension is the most relevant one for the agro-food cooperatives of Castilla-La Mancha; and (3) CSR positively and significantly affects the performance of agro-food cooperatives, as it explains 39.2% of their variance, thus confirming a sustainable growth model for the agro-food cooperatives of Castilla-La Mancha.Ítem Urbanización neoliberal, tensiones y expectativas morales en la defensa del patrimonio: El caso del barrio Victoria, Santiago(Universidad de Chile, 2020-11) Valencia González D.A.; Angelcos Gutiérrez N.S.En las últimas décadas, se ha destacado la emergencia de distintos conflictos contra los procesos de urbanización neoliberal, entre ellos, los conflictos asociados a la defensa del patrimonio. Dentro de esta literatura, se señala cómo, a partir de la defensa del barrio, las comunidades generan una forma de participación democrática que se opone a la lógica mercantil que orienta la evolución de nuestras ciudades. En este artículo, se tensionará este argumento a partir del análisis del proceso de patrimonialización del barrio Victoria en Santiago de Chile, barrio histórico que articula una identidad residencial con otra comercial, ligada al cuero y el calzado. A partir de relatos de vida, realizados a residentes antiguos y locatarios del barrio, se mostrará cómo detrás de la defensa de los barrios se articulan expectativas heterogéneas respecto a cómo debería ser la ciudad (quién y cómo habitarla), permitiendo, en algunos casos, excluir a algunos actores de la definición de comunidad y, en otros, ampliar la escala del conflicto. De este modo, se pretende contribuir a aquellos estudios que evalúan el potencial democrático de los conflictos ligados a la defensa del patrimonio.Ítem Do ambient conditions (Air quality, noise level and temperature) and image congruity matter for boosting customer approach behaviors in the fsc sector?(MDPI, 2020-12) Han, Heesup; Lho, Linda Heejung; Ariza-Montes, Antonio; Lee, Kyung-Sik; Baek, Hyungshin; Araya-Castillo, LuisThe present research presented a conceptual framework by uncovering the apparent role of ambient condition quality (in-flight air, noise level, and temperature), image congruity, love, respect, and perceived ticket price in increasing customer approach behaviors in the full service carrier (FSC) industry. A quantitative method was used. The evaluation of the measurement model verified the quality of construct measures. Findings from statistical analyses demonstrated the significant associations among research variables, and identified the mediating nature of FSC love and FSC respect. In addition, the important moderating effect of perceived FSC ticket price was found. A prominent role of ambient condition quality in eliciting approach behaviors was also explored. Overall, our theoretical framework contained a prediction power for approach behaviors. The research findings thus assist FSC researchers and practitioners to better understand the process of generating the customer decision-making process and behaviors that are positive for full service carriers. This research hence successfully fulfilled its objective to discover the influences of the customer approach behaviors in the full service carrier (FSC) industry. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.