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    Astrometry in crowded fields towards the Galactic bulge
    (EDP Sciences, 2023-09) Luna, Alonso; Marchetti, Tommaso; Rejkuba, Marina; Minniti, Dante
    Context. The astrometry towards the Galactic bulge is hampered by high stellar crowding and patchy extinction. This effect is particularly severe for optical surveys such as the European Space Agency satellite Gala. Aims. In this study, we assess the consistency of proper motion measurements between optical (Gaia DR3) and near-infrared (VIRAC2) catalogues in comparison with proper motions measured with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations in several crowded fields towards the Galactic bulge and in Galactic globular clusters. Methods. Assuming that the proper motion measurements are well characterised, the uncertainty-normalised proper motion differences between pairs of catalogues are expected to follow a normal distribution. A deviation from a normal distribution defines the inflation factor r. By multiplying the proper motion uncertainties with the appropriate inflation factor values, the Gaia (VIRAC2) proper motion measurements are brought into a 1ÏÃ Â agreement with the HST proper motions. Results. The inflation factor (r) depends on stellar surface density. For the brightest stars in our sample (G < 18), the dependence on G-band magnitude is strong, corresponding to the most precise Gaia DR3 proper motions. We used the number of observed Gaia DR3 sources as a proxy for the stellar surface density. Assuming that the HST proper motion measurements are well determined and free from systematic errors, we find that Gaia DR3 proper motion uncertainties are better characterised, having r < 1.5 in fields with a stellar number density with fewer than 200 Gaia DR3 sources per arcmin2, and are underestimated by up to a factor of 4 in fields with stellar densities higher than 300 sources per arcmin2. For the most crowded fields in VIRAC2, the proper motion uncertainties are underestimated by a factor of 1.1 up to 1.5, with a dependence on J-band magnitude. In all fields, the brighter sources have the higher r value. At the faint end (G > 19), the inflation factor is close to 1, meaning that the proper motions already fully agree with the HST measurements within 1. Conclusions. In the crowded fields common to both catalogues, VIRAC2 proper motions agree with HST proper motions and do not need an inflation factor for their uncertainties. Because of the depth and completeness of VIRAC2 in these fields, it is an ideal complement to Gaia DR3 for proper motion studies towards the Galactic bulge. © 2023 EDP Sciences. All rights reserved.
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    Caring, Repairing, and Reimagining: Experiences from the Rural World
    (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, 2023-10) Muñoz, Florencia; Greene, Ricardo; Errázuriz, Tomás; Jacob-Dazarola, Ruben
    In the era of the Anthropocene and amidst a severe environmental crisis, part of humanity has set out to imagine new ways of addressing global warming, hyperproduction of goods, and massive waste generation. Academia and public policies have placed their focus primarily on urban areas, neglecting the experiences that the rural world can offer us. Reversing this trend, this article focuses on a rural sector of the Central Valley of Chile to reveal how, through daily and ‘artisanal’ practices, it is possible to reimagine notions such as creativity, innovation, and adaptability, in the face of changing environments. Specifically, it recognizes the dynamic way in which the inhabitants of rural sectors comprehend objects and the environment; their particular way of living space and time within the local geography; and the role that their tools, technologies, practices, and knowledge play in the daily production of their homes. © 2023, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile. All rights reserved.
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    Tablas de especificaciones para estandarizar los instrumentos de evaluación utilizados en la asignatura de Introducción a Equipos de Seguridad de la carrera de Técnico de Nivel Superior en Seguridad Aeroportuaria
    (Universidad Andrés Bello, 2022) Droguett Vivallos, Paula Alejandra; Torres Iturra, María Soledad; Villarroel Do Nascimento, Andreia Caroline; Bonachea, Idalys.; Facultad de Educación y Ciencias Sociales.
    El presente trabajo será elaborado en la Escuela Técnica Aeronáutica, quien es la entidad encargada de formar a los profesionales y técnicos que serán contratados por la Dirección General de Aeronáutica civil, para ejecutar las funciones establecidas en la misión institucional la cual es ejecutada en los aeropuertos y aeródromos del país. En materias de Seguridad de Aviación, la escuela imparte la Carrera Técnico de nivel Superior en Seguridad Aeroportuaria (TNS AVSEC), donde será implementado el presente proyecto de innovación específicamente en la asignatura de Introducción a Equipos de seguridad, ya que en el diagnóstico se evidenció que las evaluaciones utilizadas eran desproporcionadas entre asignación de puntaje y aprendizajes esperados. El objetivo es el estandarizar los instrumentos de evaluación utilizados, con la finalidad de que estos obtengan la pertinencia, validez y objetividad para evidenciar los aprendizajes esperados por los docentes. ¿Cómo lograr estandarizar las evaluaciones que son aplicadas a los estudiantes que cursan el primer semestre de la carrera Técnico de Nivel Superior en Seguridad Aeroportuaria, de la Escuela Técnica Aeronáutica? Lo anterior será posible mediante la capacitación on line y un taller sobre el uso de las tablas de especificaciones, donde los docentes aprenderán la importancia en la aplicación de esta herramienta en la elaboración de sus instrumentos de evaluación.
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    Entomimetics: Transferences from insect’s morphology and behavior to design
    (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, 2016) Soffia, Alejandro
    Beyond their formal characteristics, insects possess physical properties that have allowed them to adapt and survive in hostile environments. Entomimetic seeks to transfer these properties to design, allowing architecture to learn from those living beings that have faced the environment with their own skins and structures. In other words, those living beings carrying their own architectures. © 2016, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile. All rights reserved.
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    Back to the settlement: Resistance and melancholy on the borders of the formal city
    (Universidad de Chile, Instituto de la Vivienda, 2017) Martínez, Rodrigo Esteban Morales; Arrau, Carolina Beatriz Besoain; Morales, Alejandro Soto; de Carvalho, Laís Pinto; Pino, Karla Dominique Hidalgo; Posada, Ismael Fernández; Santibáñez, Vicente Bernal
    This paper presents the main findings of research whose objective was to explore the experience of some residents within the Chilean housing policy context. Based on previous studies, this research analyzes the processes of subjectivisation experienced by a group of residents who, despite being provided with social housing from 1980 to 2000, decided to return to their former settlements. Qualitative social research and ethnographic methods were used to compile data for two settlements located in the municipalities of Lampa and San Bernardo, Santiago, for the period 2014 to 2015. This data was analyzed from a perspective of discourse analysis. It is suggested that the repopulation of settlements is a counter-movement to subjectivation processes generated by the provision of social housing, the result being the disruption of the housing process, the idealization of the past and the yearning for different recognition and inhabiting experiences. This paper analyzes the concept of return in the two senses of resistance and failure determined by the search for an impossible place that reflects the different wishes, frustrations and conflicts common to the experience of inhabiting the borders of the formal city. © 2017 Universidad de Chile, Instituto de la Vivienda. All rights reserved.
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    Sensing and Losing Sense. Dismantling the Domestic
    (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, 2022) Errázuriz, Tomás
    Disassembling a house does not only mean making an inventory of the things we own to fit them into boxes and move them. It also means undoing familiarity with a specific domestic space. By delving into this situation, this text analyzes how the experience of moving deconstructs the everyday life of the domestic and activates our senses around new questions. Ultimately, deconstructing the domestic does not mean destroying it, but rather dismantling it to rethink and reorganize it. © Tomás Errázuriz.
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    New approach of a contact detection algorithm based on a Shortest Link method
    (Elsevier, 2022) León, R.; Velásquez, J.; Gatica, G.; Vargas, X.; Coronado , J.
    Contact detection algorithms based on a Common Plane (CP) are among the most used and investigated, despite not being the most optimal when generating a CP and thus detecting the existence of contact between particles. The generation of the CP is quite expensive in computational terms, for which some algorithms seek to check a possibility of contact between them quickly; and then verify it. For these cases, there are algorithms such as the Shortest Link Method (SLM) that efficiently generate a CP and quickly verify the existence of contact between particles. However, this algorithm has some shortcomings. The main reason for this research is to create a new algorithm based on SLM that can work without its disadvantages.
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    (Corporation for the Management and Reduction of Disaster Risk in Chile (GRID-Chile), 2023) Mella-Lira, Beatriz; Vigouroux, Orlando; Meneses, Camilo; Aguirre, Carlos; Encinas, Felipe; Bertholet, Y Patricio
    Seismic events can cause significant damage to public and private property and are of vital importance for public management. Recognising the key actors and the critical moments within the rescue coordinating organisations is crucial for diagnosis, data collection and deliberation of people’s transfers to safer places. In Chile, decision making around these processes involves mainly three government ministries. The Ministry of Social Development collects information about people and families affected by the emergency; the Ministry of Housing and Urbanism compiles housing data and allocates transitory or definitive housing benefits for the affected families; and the Ministry of the Interior which, through the National Service for Prevention and Response to Disasters (SENAPRED), elaborate plans and coordinates public and private resources to manage the emergency. At the time, other groups join the coordination response: volunteers, fire units, police officers, civil society groups, and insurance companies, among others. The article explores the institutional and technical complexities involved in the first response after earthquakes in Chile (e.g., data collection, systematisation, analysis, and decision making). © 2023, Corporation for the Management and Reduction of Disaster Risk in Chile (GRID-Chile). All rights reserved.
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    Monumento to the chilean women
    (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile 1, 2022-04) Guilisasti, Josefina; Puga, Cecilia; Velasco, Paula; Barreda, Bárbara
    A recent study by the National Monuments Council of Chile concluded that only 4.7% of the monuments in the main Chilean cities are dedicated to women. This result highlights that, until now, public space has been created by and for the patriarchy. Thus, beginning to decolonize public space also means beginning to close this gap between male and female representation and even thinking beyond the binary gender. The winner of a competition for a monument to women in the Parque de Los Reyes, in Santiago, this proposal presents a sculpture that is not to be observed or surrounded but instead walked through protecting the viewer, without requiring distance. In this way it offers a different, perhaps less patriarchal, relationship between the monument and the public space. © 2022, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile 1. All rights reserved.
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    An assemblage of typical things On the familiarity of the generic form
    (Redfundamentos S. L., 2023-05) Ulloa, C.; Rojas-Böttner, P.
    A look at the everyday, at the typical, situated in two different contexts. Overlapping views. Finding similarities and differences. These actions mark the starting point of the Thai-Japanese office Bangkok Tokyo Architecture (BTA), who base their practice on finding the generic that is hidden in the profoundly local. We talked with BTA about the conditions in which architecture operates in contexts of the global south, used to restrictions, aiming for an architecture whose familiarity blurs the figure of the author and makes it possible for its inhabitants to reproduce, adapt and transform it. An office that escapes from the special, placing value on common and ordinary details by assembling this variety of elements, defining an architecture that is open enough to be completed over time.
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    How to write things: fiction, anthropology and foreignness in Berlin
    (Open Library of Humanities, 2023) Martínez, Francisco
    Why can the anthropologist be a writer but not an author? This essay reflects on the possibility of conveying anthropological knowledge through creative writing while reconsidering ethnographical authorship and its audience. The research material is a fiction written by myself to evoke a particular structure of feeling bound to a specific location, contemporary Berlin. The story is not told, however, from the perspective of an ethnographer who masters expert knowledge, but from the partial view of a protagonist that appears as a lost, hopeless, and vulnerable figure. This anthropological fiction invites us to reconsider the boundary between academic knowledge production and creative writing, rising along questions about evidence, representation and how our research could reach a general audience. © 2023 The Author(s).
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    Chilean vineyard landscape: History of the first vine cellars built for commercial production at the end of the 19th century
    A finales del s. XIX la implementación de infraestructuras en los valles centrales y la aparición de nuevas estructuras agrícolas pueden considerarse como un conjunto de acciones que apuntan a valorizar de manera productiva el espacio rural. La “geocultura”1 entiende el conjunto de acciones del hombre en una determinada geografía como un aspecto representativo de la construcción de un territorio. Estas acciones implementadas por una cultura permiten la apropiación del espacio físico, produciendo un conjunto de manifestaciones concretas que toman sentido en el marco de esa cultura. Son estas manifestaciones las que Augustin Berque llama “geogramas”2 , motivos eco-simbólicos que configuran el paisaje.
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    Wicker temporary city Chimbarongo, Chile
    (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, 2016) Arancibia, Domingo; Casals, Pablo
    We can understand imaginaries as long historical accumulation processes that are sedimented over time, shaping the image of a place. But sometimes progress breaks that bond between history and image, leaving imaginaries without actual support. This project not only rescues an imaginary about to disappear, but also renews it - so that its potential future is not hindered by nostalgia.
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    Entomimetics: Transferences from insect’s morphology and behavior to design
    (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, 2016) Soffia, Alejandro
    Beyond their formal characteristics, insects possess physical properties that have allowed them to adapt and survive in hostile environments. Entomimetic seeks to transfer these properties to design, allowing architecture to learn from those living beings that have faced the environment with their own skins and structures. In other words, those living beings carrying their own architectures.
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    Componentes normativas de alta incidencia en la nueva morfología del Santiago metropolitano: Una revisión crítica de la norma de "Conjunto Armónico"
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2011-05) Schlack, E.; Vicuña, M.
    Increased height, higher residential density and typological differentiation regarding the environment are the main characteristics of buildings that are currently constructed int eh context of the Chilean legal norm known as "Harmonic Set". Considering that this norm promotes the morphological and functional exception of such projects regarding their environment, it is maintained that this regulation could represent one way to regulate certain exceptional buildings in the city: those that today are known as mega-projects. This articule illustrates two moments in the evoluation of this legal norm. In both, the intent to form relevant urban archetypes can be clearly seen. It shows the evolution of this norm and exemplifies this process through cases from the initial period, associated with the compositional vision (1930-50), and a second period associated with the functionalist vision of the city (1960-80). The objectives associated with each period are compared and contrasted with the qualities that currently promote the legal norm of harmonic set. We reflect upon the pertienence of the norm, and discuss the possibilities that this instrument provides today for the creation of urban archetypes.
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    HLPS Arquitectos
    (Escuela de Arquitectura de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2012) Holmes, J.; Portugueis, C.; Labbé, M.; Spichiger, O.
    Resulting from architectural competitions, two proposals on cultural infrastructure for Valparaiso and La Serena seem to indicate changes within Chilean centralized schemes. Also, both tackle successfully the link between interior space and open-air programs.
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    The public space
    (Escuela de Arquitectura de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile., 2012) Sato, A.
    Público es un adjetivo que califica a la cosa que para nuestro asunto es el espacio, identificando un bien de propiedad, disposición y uso común. Sin embargo, tras la generalización de la noción de espacio público subyace una rica trama de propiedades y formas de uso. En efecto, en nuestro campo nada es químicamente puro: hay propiedades públicas de uso privado y propiedades privadas de uso público, con todas las articulaciones históricas y sociales intermedias. En rigor, el espacio público no podría ser de "dominio" público, porque no todos pueden "gozar y disponer de la cosa de modo arbitrario" -como se define en algún lugar del Derecho- y por eso distingue a este dominio por la especialidad de su protección y utilización
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    Competencias de los pobladores en vivienda y barrio: Trayectoria y experiencias recientes en Chile
    (Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2014) Castillo Couve, María José
    El artículo aborda el papel del habitante en la producción de su hábitat y en su relación con la política pública de vivienda y barrio en Chile. A partir de tres casos de estudio, se analizan las capacidades desplegadas, la experiencia y los saberes acumulados por los pobla dores en la producción y gestión de su espacio habitable, y se estudia cómo se encuentran en la actualidad para contribuir y tomar parte en las decisiones sobre la política habitacional y urbana.
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    School visual culture: research about primary school's walls
    (Universidad Austral de Chile, 2014) Errázuriz, Luis Hernán; Portales, Carlos
    Uno de los temas más descuidados de la educación es la dimensión estética del entorno escolar y su posible impacto en la calidad de la enseñanza. Este artículo aborda la cultura visual desplegada en los muros de las salas de clases, correspondientes a los primeros básicos de 13 establecimientos municipales de la comuna de Peñalolén. En términos más específicos, da cuenta de los propósitos de las imágenes, su procedencia, tecnología, iconografía y estilo, cuyos resultados muestran una cuantiosa y variada proliferación de visualidades, a partir de las cuales surgen interrogantes en cuanto a los criterios de su selección y pertinencia en el contexto educativo, así como también sobre la participación de los estudiantes en su producción.
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    Los moldajes en chile : razones del bajo desarrollo de los encofrados en el área de la construcción
    (Universidad Andrés Bello, 1995) Caussade Coudeu, Juan Pablo.; Trejo, Jorge
    Para la ejecución de toda obra de hormigón, es necesario construir previamente una estructura auxiliar destinada a servir de molde y soportar la mezcla durante el periodo necesario para el fraguado, formando un conjunto monolítico, capaz de soportar por sí solo su propio peso y el de las sobrecargas previstas. Esta estructura auxiliar de carácter provisorio, es lo que se denomina moldaje o encofrado. Se pueden distinguir, dentro de la conformación de los encofrados, características técnicas, que son aquellas que permiten la fabricación de un producto de buena calidad, y cracteristicas funcionales, que son aquellas que permiten la puesta en obra del encofrado de manera fácil, rápida y segura por una mano de obra poco calificada.